Sci Nilgai Score Sheet Master Measurer using the SCI measuring system and whose scores meet the current minimum standards are eligible for the Record Book and for Medallions for
The Nilgai or Blue Bull currently has 54 Entries listed in the SCI Record Book Once you subscribe you ll be able to access photos and full socre sheets for all of these entries Plus you can filter sort and search through all species and entries in the SCI database Complete and official hunting trophy records scores pictures and species information for over 100 big game animals from the world s leading hunting conservation group Safari Club International
Sci Nilgai Score Sheet
Sci Nilgai Score Sheet
Damath Score Sheet PDF
MY World Record Nilgai 2 Cool Fishing Forum
Interest on how to get your hunt scored Below you will find score sheets for each animal Just take it to your local taxidermist for them to fillit out Return completed form with 20 fee to Records of Exotics Po Box 502 Ingram TX 78025 SCI Scoring Forms to print out and fill out after a successful harvest at Mad Bucks Trophy Deer Ranch
To start with any Nilgai Bull that you hit and recover is a significant accomplishment Here at LLHUNT we use the SCI scoring system to rank the bulls SCI Score Bronze Silver Gold Link The horns can be measuring 8 5 9 5 in length with base measures from 6 5 to 8 Link to a simple horn sci score sheet How do you pronounce Nilgai For more information or questions about TBBR contact Bobby Kana TBBR Chairman P O Box 1583 Santa Fe Texas 77510 Home 409 925 6185 Cell 409 739 1532
More picture related to Sci Nilgai Score Sheet
Damath Sample Score Sheet PDF
Damath Scoresheet PDF
SCI recently announced two modifications to their system as described in last year s North American Elk A valid tine must be at least 1 inch long Antlers that have 5 or more of their typical score from non typical tines are measured as non typical Submit to Safari Club International 4800 W Gates Pass Rd Tucson AZ 85745 USA Active SCI Membership Required to submit an entry T 1st Entry Free Only for members who have never submitted an entry T 35 R B Entry Fee T 45 R B Entry Fee photo upload to the Online Record Book T 80 R B Entry Fee Medallion Award T 90 R B Entry Fee Medallion Award
All 17 score charts are available as PDF files you can download directly to your desktop Not sure how to take all the measurements Good news each score chart includes complete measuring instructions The largest of its kind in the world SCI s Record Book is considered the gold standard of encyclopedias of big game animals The unique program and all inclusive scoring system has helped document the hunting heritage since 1977
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Master Measurer using the SCI measuring system and whose scores meet the current minimum standards are eligible for the Record Book and for Medallions for
The Nilgai or Blue Bull currently has 54 Entries listed in the SCI Record Book Once you subscribe you ll be able to access photos and full socre sheets for all of these entries Plus you can filter sort and search through all species and entries in the SCI database
Blue Chips Move G C GC PDF

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Sci Nilgai Score Sheet - To start with any Nilgai Bull that you hit and recover is a significant accomplishment Here at LLHUNT we use the SCI scoring system to rank the bulls SCI Score Bronze Silver Gold Link The horns can be measuring 8 5 9 5 in length with base measures from 6 5 to 8 Link to a simple horn sci score sheet How do you pronounce Nilgai