Sci Red Deer Score Sheet Method 22 For the larger deer not specified in other methods Includes barasingha white lipped deer brow antlered deer P re David deer marsh deer pampas deer and huemul Have any questions Talk with us directly using LiveChat
Offi cial Measurer s Manual Safari Club introduction SCI Scoring Forms to print out and fill out after a successful harvest at Mad Bucks Trophy Deer Ranch
Sci Red Deer Score Sheet
Sci Red Deer Score Sheet
Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts
Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts
There are several trophy scoring systems used around the world but the NZDA uses the Douglas Scoring system known as the Douglas Score or DS for short The system used by hunters depends on their jurisdiction and which species is being measured We will have trained SCI Measurers at our December 7th event that you can watch score the antlers Tools you will need SCI Typical official scoring sheet SCI Non Typical official scoring sheet Yard stick or folding carpenter s ruler Wire cable for measuring along curves
Complete and official hunting trophy records scores pictures and species information for over 100 big game animals from the world s leading hunting conservation group Safari Club International Submit to Safari Club International 4800 W Gates Pass Rd Tucson A 85745 USA Active SCI Membership Required to submit an entry T 1 e F Only for members who have never submitted an entry T 35 R B Entry Fee T 45 R B Entry Fee photo upload to the Online Record Book T 80 R B Entry Fee Medallion Award T 90 R B Entry Fee Medallion Award photo upload to the Online
More picture related to Sci Red Deer Score Sheet
Fillable Online SCI Score Sheets Fax Email Print PdfFiller
Field Judging Whitetail Deer
Hunting Red Stag In The Roar In New Zealand Part 69 Over 412 SCI Score
The Red Deer currently has 1 474 Entries listed in the SCI Record Book Once you subscribe you ll be able to access photos and full socre sheets for all of these entries Plus you can filter sort and search through all species and entries in the SCI database Includes all red deer from Europe Asia Minor Turkey the entire Caucasus Mountains and all of Asia Also includes introduced red deer from the South Pacific and South America Method 1 d White Tailed Deer All Varieties Method 1 e Mule and Black Tailed Deer Method 1 f Deer with 3 3 or 4 4 Typical Frames
Interest on how to get your hunt scored Below you will find score sheets for each animal Just take it to your local taxidermist for them to fillit out Return completed form with 20 fee to Records of Exotics Po Box 502 Ingram TX 78025 For European red deer Cervus Elaphus L CIC point scoring Bronze medal 170 CIC 189 99 CIC Silver Medal 190 CIC 209 99 CIC Gold medal 210 CIC and up The strongest trophy in my Country ever recorded was 261 81 CIC Commercial price goes exponentially up on top level trophy CIC points
Scorechart Typical Mule Deer And Blacktails Boone And Crockett Club
500 600 SCI Red Stag Package
Method 22 For the larger deer not specified in other methods Includes barasingha white lipped deer brow antlered deer P re David deer marsh deer pampas deer and huemul Have any questions Talk with us directly using LiveChat…
Offi cial Measurer s Manual Safari Club introduction

Hunting Gears Whitetail Hunting Whitetail Deer Hunting Hunting

Scorechart Typical Mule Deer And Blacktails Boone And Crockett Club

Mule Deer Score Sheet Printable

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Deer Score Sheets Everything You Need To Know

3 day Wisconsin Northeastern White tailed Deer Up To 300 SCI Hunt For

3 day Wisconsin Northeastern White tailed Deer Up To 300 SCI Hunt For

World Record Whitetail Deer Antlers Sci Score Sheet Included On PopScreen

Deer Score Sheets Everything You Need To Know
Red Stag SCI Vs CIC AfricaHunting
Sci Red Deer Score Sheet - We will have trained SCI Measurers at our December 7th event that you can watch score the antlers Tools you will need SCI Typical official scoring sheet SCI Non Typical official scoring sheet Yard stick or folding carpenter s ruler Wire cable for measuring along curves