Score Sheet Double Nines Chickenfoot Dominoes Game Scoresheet Double Nines Player Hands Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Player 5 Player 6 Player 7 Player 8 Player 9 Player 10
Double Any hand containing a double receives zero points If all hands contain doubles count all the points except for the doubles The hand with the lowest number of points wins one point HOW TO WIN Be the first to score 15 points What s unique Two different formations are made the double Chickenfoot and the Chickenfoot The double Chickenfoot is made at the beginning of each hand by playing 6 tiles diagonally 3 on each side of the set tile
Score Sheet Double Nines
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Http www tedmontgomery chickenfoot tmont714 aol Scoring At the end of a round players score points equal to the total value of the remaining tiles in their hand Doubles count as the sum of their numbers e g double 5 counts as 10 points
Double 6s 7 rounds double 9s 10 rounds double 12s 13 rounds When all rounds are played the player with the lowest score wins the game Click here for a Chickenfoot scoring sheet that you can print out and use when playing the game Game consists of 10 hands Each hand begins with a double starting with the double nine Succeeding hands in descending order begin with 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and blank The double blank hand is the final hand of the game Player with the double nine plays the domino to
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Chicken Foot is played in rounds one round for each double domino in the set We normally play with 4 players using double nines or 6 players using double twelve The object of the game is to have the lowest score at the end of the last round A double nine set contains 55 dominoes with the numbers on the tiles ranging from 0 or blank to 9 In a double nine set there are ten suits blank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 each with ten members A double nine is the heaviest domino a double blank is the lightest domino value
The Play We will assume that there are four players playing with a double nine set double 0 to double nine 55 bones The scorekeeper will create a sheet that designates 10 rounds nine descending to 0 Chicken Foot Dominoes also known as the Chicken Game is a variant of the Trains domino game and is suitable for 2 8 players How to play Chicken Foot Dominoes All you need to play Chicken Foot Dominoes is a set of classic dominoes The common double nine sets are preferred though other sets can be used
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Chickenfoot Dominoes Game Scoresheet Double Nines Player Hands Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 Player 5 Player 6 Player 7 Player 8 Player 9 Player 10…
Double Any hand containing a double receives zero points If all hands contain doubles count all the points except for the doubles The hand with the lowest number of points wins one point HOW TO WIN Be the first to score 15 points

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Score Sheet Double Nines - Http www tedmontgomery chickenfoot tmont714 aol