Score Sheet World Barista Championship

Score Sheet World Barista Championship Technical Score Total of this score sheet Evaluation Scale Yes 1 No 0 Unacceptable 0 Acceptable 1 Average 2 Good 3 Very Good 4 Excellent 5 Extraordinary 6 0g 6 1g 5 2g 4 3g 3 4g 2 5g 1 5 g 0 World Barista Championship Technical Scoresheet Part I Station Evaluation At Start Up 0 to 6 Flushes the group head Cleans portafilters before insert

World Barista Championship Head Judge Scoresheet Semi Finals and Finals Transferred totals from four Sensory Scores Head Judge Technical Score Overtime Competitor s Total Score 60 Max The updated rules and scoresheets are the first of the 2025 World Coffee Championships WCC season and will be used at the world finals at the Specialty Coffee Expo in Houston TX USA from April 25 27

Score Sheet World Barista Championship


Score Sheet World Barista Championship


Barista Competition Score Sheets


Arriva Il World Barista Championship Zero

World Barista Championship Head Judge Scoresheet Preliminaries Transferred totals from all five scoresheets One Technical Scores Four Sensory Scores Overtime Competitor s Total Score Sensory Score Total of this scoresheet Part II Milk Beverage Evaluation 0 to 3 World Barista Championship Sensory Scoresheet Part I Espresso Evaluation 0 to 3 0 to 6 Evaluation Scales Yes 1 No 0 0 to 6 Unacceptable 0 Acceptable 1 Average 2 Good 3 Very Good 4 Excellent 5 Extraordinary 6 0 to 3 Accuracy None To Evaluate 0 Not Very Accurate 1

This document is a score sheet for evaluating competitors in the World Barista Championship It contains sections to score the espresso milk beverage signature beverage barista skills and total impression Judges provide scores from 0 to 6 in different categories like taste balance accuracy of flavors and presentation The total possible Learn about the prestigious competition that showcases the artistry and skills of coffee excellence Find out the past rankings rules regulations and upcoming event details of the World Barista Championship

More picture related to Score Sheet World Barista Championship


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This document is a scoresheet for evaluating competitors in the World Barista Championship It contains sections to score competitors on their espresso milk beverage signature beverage barista skills and total impression Judges provide scores out of 6 for various criteria within each section and a total sensory score out of 162 Sensory Score Total of this score sheet Evaluation Scale Yes 1 No 0 Unacceptable 0 Acceptable 1 Average 2 Good 3 Very Good 4 Excellent 5 Extraordinary 6 Total impression overall view of barista s presence correlation to taste scoring and presentation 0 to 6 4 x 24 0 to 6 0 to 6 4 x Tactile Creativity and synergy with coffee Presentation

The World Barista Championship WBC is a competition open to quali ed Competition Body Champions of a World Coffee Events WCE sanctioned competition event Sanctioned events are produced by WCE Licensed Competition Bodies Every competition year 1 competitor from each WCE Licensed Competition Body may participate To learn more about how Sensory Score Total of this score sheet Evaluation Scale Yes 1 No 0 Unacceptable 0 Acceptable 1 Average 2 Good 3 Very Good 4 Excellent 5 Extraordinary 6 0 to 6 2 x Tactile Creativity and synergy with coffee L Part II Milk Beverage Evaluation BITTER M H L M H Crema L M H L M H ACIDIC L H World Barista Championship Sensory Score Sheet Well


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World Barista Championship Technical Scoresheet Nzsca…
Technical Score Total of this score sheet Evaluation Scale Yes 1 No 0 Unacceptable 0 Acceptable 1 Average 2 Good 3 Very Good 4 Excellent 5 Extraordinary 6 0g 6 1g 5 2g 4 3g 3 4g 2 5g 1 5 g 0 World Barista Championship Technical Scoresheet Part I Station Evaluation At Start Up 0 to 6 Flushes the group head Cleans portafilters before insert

Barista Competition Score Sheets
World Barista Championship Head Judge Scoresheet Semi
World Barista Championship Head Judge Scoresheet Semi Finals and Finals Transferred totals from four Sensory Scores Head Judge Technical Score Overtime Competitor s Total Score 60 Max


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Score Sheet World Barista Championship - Transferred totals from all six score sheets Two Technical Scores Four Sensory Scores Overtime Competitor s Total Score Functionality Visual Presentation