Seattle Green Factor Score Sheet How does the Green Factor work Code requirement based on in weighted menu sets minimum score Includes green roofs and walls bioretention and permeable paving Compliance required for permit approval can double count toward other requirements
Clarified score sheet New credits and bonuses Caps on permeable paving and vegetated walls Increased credit for trees decreased for shrubs Director s Rule provides details on plant materials permit process and installation Green Factor Score Sheet DRAFT Totals from GF worksheet Do not count public rights of way in parcel size calculation Trees may share planting bed surface area and soil volume when continuous up to 50 of required for each Waive planting bed surface area requirement if using Silva Cell CU structural soils and their performance equivalents
Seattle Green Factor Score Sheet
Seattle Green Factor Score Sheet
Seattle s Green Factor Biophilic Cities
Seattle s Green Factor Migratory Legends
Green Factor Score Sheet with trunks 6 in diameter calculated at 20 sq ft per inch diameter at 12 sq ft per plant typically planted no closer than 18 on center Seattle Green Factor is a score based code requirement that increases the amount and improves the quality of landscaping in new development Landscaping plays an important role in how new development looks and functions
Green Factor Score Sheet Do not count public rights of way in parcel size calculation You may count landscape improvements in rights of way contiguous with the parcel Appendix 2 Existing Green Factor Score Sheet SEATTLEX enter sq ft of parcel green factor SCORE You need at Total A B c D Types of Area Vegetation planted with a soil depth of less than 24 Lawn or grass pavers or ground ccwers Plants and shrubs 3 and higher at maturity Vegetation planted with a soil depth of more than 24 Lawn grass pavers or other plants less
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Learn about the Seattle Green Factor a requirement for new development in dense urban areas to increase vegetation and urban greening Find out how to calculate your green factor score types of area and bonuses for different landscaping strategies See Green Factor score sheet for category definitions Planting Area TOTAL Green Factor Worksheet SEATTLE xgreenfactor Title dpds021341 3 xls Author giampiv Created Date 4 26 2018 9 22 58 AM
Green Factor numerator You may count landscape improvements in rights of way contiguous with the parcel All landscaping on private and public property must comply with the Landscape Standards Director s Rule DR 6 2009 Green Factor Score Sheet DRAFT Totals from GF worksheet Do not count public rights of way in parcel size calculation Author Dave Green Factor Score Sheet Do not count public rights of way in parcel size calculation You may count landscape improvements in rights of way contiguous with the parcel
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Open Space Seattle 2100 The Green Factor…
How does the Green Factor work Code requirement based on in weighted menu sets minimum score Includes green roofs and walls bioretention and permeable paving Compliance required for permit approval can double count toward other requirements…
Clarified score sheet New credits and bonuses Caps on permeable paving and vegetated walls Increased credit for trees decreased for shrubs Director s Rule provides details on plant materials permit process and installation

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Implementa o E Financiamento Cidades Eficientes
Seattle Green Factor Score Sheet - Green Factor Score Sheet with trunks 6 in diameter calculated at 20 sq ft per inch diameter at 12 sq ft per plant typically planted no closer than 18 on center