Sensory Profile School Companion Summary Score Sheet

Sensory Profile School Companion Summary Score Sheet Order the Sensory Profile School Companion SPSC a standardized theoretically based assessment using teacher observations of student sensory processing skills in an academic setting

We compare these reports to a national standardized sample of reports from other raters to determine how Sam responds to sensory situations when compared to other children the same age A summary of this comparison with other children is QUADRANT SCORE SUMMARY SENSORY AND BEHAVIORAL SECTION SCORE SUMMARY Quadrant Raw Score Percentile Range Classification Seeking Seeker 41 9 84 Just like the Majority of Others Avoiding Avoider 72 97 99 Much More Than Others Sensitivity Sensor 53 87 96 More Than Others Registration Bystander 70 97 99 Much More Than Others

Sensory Profile School Companion Summary Score Sheet


Sensory Profile School Companion Summary Score Sheet


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Sensory Profile Chart

The document provides information about scores on the Sensory Profile School Companion questionnaire It explains the four School Factor scores which evaluate different aspects of how a student functions in a classroom setting Each factor score combines two sensory processing patterns The document also defines what the different ranges of the Have there been more than three children between the ages of birth to 18 years living in the child s household during the past 12 months No My Child reacts strongly to unexpected or loud noises for example sirens dog barking hair dryer holds hands over ears to protect them from sound struggles to complete tasks when music or TV is on

Order SPSC a standardised and theoretically based assessment using teacher observations of student sensory processing skills in an academic setting BPVS3 Bayley 4 UK Movement ABC 3 DASH 2 and CELF Preschool 3 UK print are now available to order What is the Sensory Profile 2 A set of judgment based caregiver or teacher questionnaires Information collected helps formulate hypotheses Parents and or teachers with regular contact with the child complete the questionnaire Patterns of responses indicate the child s sensory processing patterns 7 Copyright 2014

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With the new Sensory Profile School Companion school based clinicians now have the ability to evaluate a child s sensory processing skills and how these skills affect the child s classroom behavior and performance School Companion Sensory Profile 2 is a 44 item teacher questionnaire intended to be used for students ages 3 years 0 months 3 0 to 14 years 11 months 14 11 Raw scores cut scores and percentile ranks are available for five sections four quadrants and four school factors

The Sensory Profile 2 School Companion SP2 assessment is a valuable tool in this realm aiding professionals in understanding a child s sensory preferences and aversions This blog post delves into the intricacies of the SP2 assessment presenting a hypothetical scenario a sample scoring chart references to academic research and Use with Sensory Profile School Companion to assess performance in two contexts home and school Sensory Profile Supplement Provide clinical reasoning and more in depth intervention strategies Provide the current Sensory Profile user with quadrant cut scores and expanded cut scores 3 10 years N A Yes Yes No Clinician Home Community


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Order the Sensory Profile School Companion SPSC a standardized theoretically based assessment using teacher observations of student sensory processing skills in an academic setting

 PDF Psychometric Properties Of Dunn s Sensory Profile School
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We compare these reports to a national standardized sample of reports from other raters to determine how Sam responds to sensory situations when compared to other children the same age A summary of this comparison with other children is


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Sensory Profile School Companion Summary Score Sheet - Why use the Sensory Profile 2 School Companion Questionnaire This is a form that is filled out by your child s teacher to help the therapist understand how they react to different sensory input that is experienced throughout the school day