Sfst Score Sheet Pdf DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Test SFST Refresher Participant PDF 20 42 MB PowerPoint Presentations DWI Detection and SFST Refresher Training
Cannot perform test test stopped or not requested for suspect s safety Assign all 4 clues When I tell you to start raise either leg with the foot approximately six inches off the ground keeping your foot parallel to the ground Keep both legs straight and your arms at your side While holding that position count out loud in the following manner one thousand one one thousand two one thousand three and so on until told to stop
Sfst Score Sheet Pdf
Sfst Score Sheet Pdf
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Sfst Cheat Sheet Edu svet gob gt
Cannot perform test test stopped or not requested for suspect s safety assign all observed clues SFST Field Notes ILLINOIS STATE POLICE SFST Field Notes Walk Turn Clues Cannot keep balance while listening to instructions feet must break apart Starts too soon only after told not to start Stops walking pauses to regain balance Does
Prior t Scoring Notes HGN 6 clues WAT 8 clues OLS 4 clues Subject Name Injury Claimed 50lbs 65 years Eye Color Eyes Normal Reddened Bloodshot Watery Glasses Contacts Blindness Y N Eyelids Normal Droopy Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus HGN Decision Point Four Clues LEFT RIGHT Pupil Size Follow Stimulus
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Pdf DE NHTSA Challenges and Defenses II pdf DE McNeely Trial Brief template word DE McNeely Harris Exigent Circumstances List DSS SFST Scoring Sheet updated 08 2016 pdf DSS Prosecution Alcohol Related Studies word DSS NHTSA SFST Student Manual revised 08 2006 pdf DSS 2015 SFST Participant Manual revised 10 2015 Place your left foot on a line real or imaginary and put your right heel against the toe of your left foot Place your arms down at your sides Maintain this position until I have completed the instructions Do not start to walk until told to do so Do you understand
When I tell you to I want you to raise one leg either one approximately 6 inches off th g ound foot pointed out both legs s ra ght and look at the ele The Standardized Field Sobriety Testing SFST training curriculum collectively prepares police officers and other qualified persons to conduct the SFST s for use in DWI investigations This training developed under the auspices and
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DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Test SFST Refresher Participant PDF 20 42 MB PowerPoint Presentations DWI Detection and SFST Refresher Training

Cannot perform test test stopped or not requested for suspect s safety Assign all 4 clues

Standardized Field Sobriety Test Clues SVG Etsy

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Sfst Score Sheet Pdf - The NHTSA SFST Participant Manual provides guidelines for DWI detection and standardized field sobriety tests