Showmanship Score Sheet Turkey Any variety of turkey may be selected for showmanship except wild turkeys Wild turkeys are protected breeds Broad Breasted Bronze and Broad Breasted Whites are commonly seen exhibited at county fairs To raise a few turkeys one may start with poult which are probably obtained from hatcheries
SHOWMANSHIP BIRD While every breed has characteristics that make it desirable to certain people not all breeds of poultry chickens turkeys ducks and geese are suitable for showmanship In general it is recommended that showmen use chickens preferably bantam chickens If a bantam or miniature chicken is used there is less animal Poultry Showmanship Score Card for Age Exhibitor s Appearance and Introduction 10 points Possible Earned Total Well groomed and proper attire
Showmanship Score Sheet Turkey
Showmanship Score Sheet Turkey
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Turkeys Any variety of turkey is acceptable for showmanship The most common varieties shown in contests are Broad Breasted Bronze and Broad Breasted Whites A turkey used in a showmanship contest should be at least 16 weeks old You may show either a hen female or a tom male Ducks Any domestic breed of duck is acceptable for showmanship Standards for Broiler Roaster Chicken and Young Turkey Pens This fact sheet gives the standards used to judge market poultry meat pens All market pens will be judged on the basis of conformation fleshing finish and uniformity
The categories of Animal Equipment and Subject Matter Knowledge are scored on the first rotation along with Showing the Animal and Club Member 125 points The first rotation score is weighted because it is the high placing showmanship Scoring 0 to infinity with 70 denoting the average Exhibitor automatically begins run with a score of 70 Maneuvers are scored 3 to 3
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Score Points 10 10 35 10 20 10 15 115 The object of this section is to get your bird to show stand alertl and in ro er station or its breed Stand at relaxed attention facing the judge Allow the judge to have full view of the bird at all times Listen and follow the ud e s directions carefull Removal of bird from ca e O en ca e door Reach across bird s back ras far win turn bird so SHOWMANSHIP SCORE SHEET THE COLOR BREED CLASS 127 Nov AM Western Showmanship SHOW IPtHA Fun in The Sun JUDGE Amy Franks DATE Aug 6 2023 SIGNATURE Each rider is scored between 0 Infinity points and automatically begins the run with a score of 70 points 3 Extremely Poor 2 Very Poor 1 Poor 0 Correct 1 Good 2 Very
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Any variety of turkey may be selected for showmanship except wild turkeys Wild turkeys are protected breeds Broad Breasted Bronze and Broad Breasted Whites are commonly seen exhibited at county fairs To raise a few turkeys one may start with poult which are probably obtained from hatcheries
SHOWMANSHIP BIRD While every breed has characteristics that make it desirable to certain people not all breeds of poultry chickens turkeys ducks and geese are suitable for showmanship In general it is recommended that showmen use chickens preferably bantam chickens If a bantam or miniature chicken is used there is less animal
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Showmanship Score Sheet Turkey - The categories of Animal Equipment and Subject Matter Knowledge are scored on the first rotation along with Showing the Animal and Club Member 125 points The first rotation score is weighted because it is the high placing showmanship