Sport Horse In Hand Score Sheet One copy of this score sheet should be provided to the judge for each Sport Horse In Hand class Page of Scorer s Signature s
Demonstrates a character of presence and temperment necessary for training One copy of this score sheet should be provided to the judge for each Sport Horse In Hand class Decimals may be used In case of tie Movement is first Conformation second Overall Balance third Manners fourth If horses are still tied judge must decide
Sport Horse In Hand Score Sheet
Sport Horse In Hand Score Sheet
Hand And Foot Score Sheets Hand And Foot Card Game Score Sheets
Conformation The quality correctness of head neck saddle position shoulder frame back forehand hindquarters angulations formation of legs joints Substance condition durability heritable faults which affect soundness trainability or breeding Emphasis on function not fashion One copy of this score sheet should be provided to the judge for each Sport Horse In Hand class Decimals may be used In case of tie Movement is first Conformation second Overall Balance third Manners fourth If horses are still tied judge must decide
EC MORGAN SPORT HORSE IN HAND MASTER SCORE SHEET Competition Date Class Class Name Entry Number Conformation Movement General Impression Final Score Place Walk Trot 100pts possible 30 30 30 10 Author Ben Hulse Created Date 6 16 2017 11 06 42 AM Dressage Sport Horse Prospects In Hand Classes Pertinent USEF Rules 1 Horses of one sex may not be judged against those of the opposite sex except in specified Group classes Championship classes or special classes for single breeds or amateur junior young rider handlers 2 A horse shall be disqualified for unsoundness In Dressage Sport
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Use of two hands except with Junior horses shown with snaffle or hackamore or in English classes One copy of this scoresheet should be provided to the judge for each Dressage Sport Horse Prospect In Hand class
Regular four even beats straight active even strides with correctly aligned steps articulation of joints freedom of shoulders haunches balance elastic swinging back overstep reach ground covering steps with marching quality This scoresheet is required for use in Young Horse and Four Year Old Prospect classes and for all ages in Individual Breed IBC classes Specifications Directive Ideas Pts Coef Total Comments
Introduction To Sport Horse In Hand Classes YouTube
Hand And Foot Score Card Hand And Foot Score Sheets And Score Pads…
One copy of this score sheet should be provided to the judge for each Sport Horse In Hand class Page of Scorer s Signature s…
Demonstrates a character of presence and temperment necessary for training

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Sport Horse In Hand Score Sheet - One copy of this score sheet should be provided to the judge for each Sport Horse In Hand class Page of Scorer s Signature s