Static 99r Score Sheet Static 99R is the most widely used sexual recidivism risk assessment instrument in the world and is extensively used in the United States Canada the United Kingdom Australia and many European nations Coding questions for Static 99R Static 2002R and RM 2000 may be submitted to Dr Yolanda Fernandez HERE
TRANSLATING STATIC 99R SCORES INTO RISK CATEGORIES Score Label for Risk Category 3 through 1 Low 2 3 Moderate Low 4 5 Moderate High 6 plus High STATIC 99R Coding Form Question Number Risk Factor Codes Score 1 Young score according to the offender s age at time of release flat minimum release date Aged 18 to 34 9 Aged 35 to 39 9 Aged 40 to 59 9 This workbook includes a chart denoting the Static 99R risk level upon release from the index offence and reductions in risk level over time assuming no new sex offences have been detected
Static 99r Score Sheet
Static 99r Score Sheet
File F Static 99r Coding Manual 2016 Inpress Pdf Fill Online
Static 99R Certified Training Andrew E Brankley
Static 99R 2002R Sexual Recidivism Estimates As empirical actuarial risk tools Static 99R and Static 2002R norms are updated as new information becomes available The most recent updates contain two significant changes First norms are only presented for the Routine and High Risk High Need HRHN samples Norms are not presented for samples Although potentially useful an interview with the offender is not necessary to score Static 99R Three basic types of information are required to score Static 99R demographic information an official criminal record and victim information Demographic Information Two Static 99R items require demographic information The offender s date of
PDF 1 5 5270 0 obj endobj 5277 0 obj Filter FlateDecode ID 765D88AFEB46A247B3110A8DAE70740D 420F57611BB716438CAC2C6A31859E65 Index 5270 24 Info 5269 Total Score Add up scores from individual risk factors Translating Static 99R scores into risk categories Score Label for Risk Category 3 through 1 Low 2 3 Low Moderate 4 5 Moderate High 6 plus High
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When combined with an appropriate table of norms e g Phenix et al 2016 Static 99R characterizes the individual s relative risk for sexual recidivism in terms of how unusual it is using percentiles and how it compares to the risk presented by The Evaluators Workbook includes templates for reporting Static 99R and Static 2002R scores These are only examples and evaluators should use their professional judgement concerning the preferred wording taking into consideration the purpose of the assessment and the expected readers of the report Evaluators should feel free to download
In many states the Static 99R is used to assess male sex offenders pre sentencing and prior to release from prison The Static 99R is based on unchanging static risk factors that predict the potential for sexual and violent reoffense In addition to the Static 99R total score which can be considered the raw test result the Static 99R Evaluators Workbook provides four potential risk communication metrics standardized risk level risk ratios percentiles and absolute recidivism estimates
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Differences In Static 99 R Item And Total Scores Between Aboriginal And
Static 99R is the most widely used sexual recidivism risk assessment instrument in the world and is extensively used in the United States Canada the United Kingdom Australia and many European nations Coding questions for Static 99R Static 2002R and RM 2000 may be submitted to Dr Yolanda Fernandez HERE…
TRANSLATING STATIC 99R SCORES INTO RISK CATEGORIES Score Label for Risk Category 3 through 1 Low 2 3 Moderate Low 4 5 Moderate High 6 plus High STATIC 99R Coding Form Question Number Risk Factor Codes Score 1 Young score according to the offender s age at time of release flat minimum release date Aged 18 to 34 9 Aged 35 to 39 9 Aged 40 to 59 9

Estimated Percentiles For Static 99R Scores For Canadian Sexual

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VRS SO Dynamic Scores Associated With Static 99R Assigned Risk Levels

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Static 99r Risk Assessment
Static 99r Score Sheet - The present article discusses the most commonly used and researched risk assessment tool for individuals charged or convicted of sexual offenses Static 99R This review summarizes relevant