Stroke Impact Scale Score Sheet We want to know from YOUR POINT OF VIEW how stroke has affected you We will ask you questions about impairments and disabilities caused by your stroke as well as how stroke has affected your quality of life Finally we will ask you to rate how much you think you have recovered from your stroke
The Stroke Impact Scale SIS is a patient reported outcome measure that evaluates the biopsychosocial aspects of life after stroke 1 It is designed by Duncan et al at the University of Kansas Medical Center KUMC in 1999 first published as version 2 0 2 The Stroke Impact Scale SIS includes 59 proxy or self report items in 8 domains that assess multidimensional stroke outcomes Items 1 a d measure strength Items 2 a g measure memory and thinking Items 3 a I measure emotions Items 4 a g measure ease or difficulty of communication
Stroke Impact Scale Score Sheet
Stroke Impact Scale Score Sheet
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The Stroke Impact Scale or SIS was created to assess changes in impairments disabilities and handicaps following a stroke The measure was designed for repeated administration to track change over time and was created to be used both in clinical and research settings It assesses self reported impact of stroke in eight domains strength memory and thinking emotion communication instrumental activities of daily living ADL IADL mobility hand function and participation In addition a visual analogue scale ranging from 0 to 100 measures general perceived recovery since the onset of stroke
In the past 2 weeks how difficult was it to a Dress the top part of your body b Bathe yourself c Get to the toilet on time d Control your bladder not have an accident e Control your The Stroke Impact Scale is an outcome measurement tool and intervention planning method for stroke rehabilitation in occupational therapy It provides valuable insight and quantifiable data regarding specific areas of need for an individual allowing therapists to tailor client centered interventions and address their unique goals
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Table 1 From Stroke Impact Scale 16 Semantic Scholar
To assess physical function following stroke Instrument Details Initial review completed by Karen Vizaniaris Jacqueline Kendona and Tara Ruppert December 2016 Reviewed and revised by Edeth Engel October 2017 The SIS 16 measures only physical domains of functional status The SIS 3 0 may be more appropriate if measuring overall HRQOL It was designed to assess multidimensional stroke outcomes including strength hand function Activities of Daily Living ADL IADL mobility communication emotion memory and thinking and participation The SIS can be used both in clinical and in research settings
It measures the aspects of stroke recovery found to be important to patients and caregivers as well as stroke experts After intensive psychometric testing the 59 item Stroke Impact Scale Version 3 0 was developed The 59 questions of the SIS are broken down into eight domains La Stroke Impact Scale SIS est une mesure de l tat de sant sp cifique aux AVC et auto administr e
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We want to know from YOUR POINT OF VIEW how stroke has affected you We will ask you questions about impairments and disabilities caused by your stroke as well as how stroke has affected your quality of life Finally we will ask you to rate how much you think you have recovered from your stroke
The Stroke Impact Scale SIS is a patient reported outcome measure that evaluates the biopsychosocial aspects of life after stroke 1 It is designed by Duncan et al at the University of Kansas Medical Center KUMC in 1999 first published as version 2 0 2
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Stroke Impact Scale Template Example Free PDF Download
Stroke Impact Scale Assessment Form
Table 1 From Stroke Impact Scale Version 2 Validation Of The French
Stroke Impact Scale 16 PDF
Table 3 From The Stroke Impact Scale Version 2 0 Evaluation Of
Table 3 From The Stroke Impact Scale Version 2 0 Evaluation Of
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Nihss Stroke Scale Printable
Stroke Impact Scale Score Sheet - The Stroke Impact Scale or SIS was created to assess changes in impairments disabilities and handicaps following a stroke The measure was designed for repeated administration to track change over time and was created to be used both in clinical and research settings