Stroke Scale Score Sheet

Stroke Scale Score Sheet Administer stroke scale items in the order listed Record performance in each category after each subscale exam Do not go back and change scores Follow directions provided for each exam technique Scores should reflect what the patient does

NIH Stroke Scale Reference booklet for health professionals who administer the NIH Stroke Scale NIHSS to stroke patients Finger to nose heel to shin Score only if not caused by weakness 0 Normal comatose 1 Clumsy in one limb 2 Clumsy in two limbs Score 0 if extremity weakness present and pt cannot appropriately perform the exam 8 Sensation feeling Pin prick face arm leg compare sides 0 Normal 1 Decreased sensation

Stroke Scale Score Sheet


Stroke Scale Score Sheet


Nih Stroke Scale Answer Key Group D And Sterling Silver Marcasitepinfaq


Nihss Stroke Scale Printable

Can only score items 2 3 oculocephalic move and blink to threat Remaining items receive the highest score except for 7 ataxia Ataxia receives a zero since it A score of 2 severe or total should only be given when a severe or total loss of sensation can be clearly demonstrated Stuporous and aphasic patients will therefore probably score 1 or 0 The patient with brain stem stroke who has bilateral loss of sensation is scored 2 If the patient does not respond and is quadriplegic score 2

Back and change scores Follow directions provided for each exam technique Scores should ref ect what the patient does not what the clinician thinks the patient can do The c inician should record answers while administering the exam and work quickly Except where indicated the patient should n Loss attributed to stroke is scored as abnormal and the examiner should test as many body areas arms not hands legs trunk face as needed to accurately check for hemisensory loss

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The NIH Stroke Scale Score NIHSS quantifies stroke severity based on weighted evaluation findings National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale NIHSS Score Instructions BaselineScale Definition Date Time 24 Hrs Post TPA Discharge Date Time 1a LOC 0 Alert keenly responsive 1 Not Alert but arousable by minor stimulation to obey answer respond 2 Not Alert requires repeat stimulation obtunded requires strong stimuli

Discuss the most current relevant scoring systems and scales being used for the stroke population Identify the strengths limitations and application of these scales R A C E is based on an abbreviated version of the NIHSS the gold standard for evaluating stroke victims The maximum score is 9 not 11 because the evaluation is done on the left or right side not both simultaneously The R A C E is a 5 of 6 item scale


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Administer stroke scale items in the order listed Record performance in each category after each subscale exam Do not go back and change scores Follow directions provided for each exam technique Scores should reflect what the patient does

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NIH Stroke Scale National Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke…
NIH Stroke Scale Reference booklet for health professionals who administer the NIH Stroke Scale NIHSS to stroke patients


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Stroke Scale Score Sheet - Back and change scores Follow directions provided for each exam technique Scores should ref ect what the patient does not what the clinician thinks the patient can do The c inician should record answers while administering the exam and work quickly Except where indicated the patient should n