Student Presentation Score Sheet

Student Presentation Score Sheet Use the criteria below to assess your contribution to the group presentation as well as the contribution of each of your teammates

Student Presentation Scoring Guide and Rubric Score 43210Weight Possible points Evaluation Criteria Introduction Effectiveness of your brief initial discussion of the content scope and flow of your presentation Your introduction makes perfectly clear the salient points and scope of your talk A bit too brief or too long or missing an Oral Presentation Scoring Guide 1 Organization 4 points Clear organization reinforced by media Stays focused throughout 3 points Mostly organized but loses focus once or twice 2 points Somewhat organized but loses focus 3 or more times 1 point No clear organization to the presentation 2

Student Presentation Score Sheet


Student Presentation Score Sheet


A Presentation Rating Form Example


Presentation Score Sheet In Word And Pdf Formats

ORAL PRESENTATION EVALUATION CRITERIA AND CHECKLIST Presenter s Name Presenter s Topic CRITERIA Excellent Good Fair Needs Work COMMENTS 1 ORGANISATION talk was well prepared topic clearly stated structure A note to judges Student presentations should be aimed at a general but well educated audience Please use the following criteria for judging Rating Scale 1 Marginal 2 Acceptable 3 Above Average 4 Excellent Scoring Criteria Excellent demonstrates superior creativity originality or understanding in approach content or

For each criteria give a score of 0 4 multiply by the weight for that criteria and write the weighted score for that criteria in the rightmost box under the row for that criteria For every score you assign you must give a clear and specific Did the overall presentation demonstrate a thorough knowledge of subject s content area Did the speaker convey a thorough understanding of process and procedures of scientific research Presentation Organization Coherence Use of Visual Aids

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2012 Marketing Presentation Score Sheet Team Number School

Rate the presentation on each of the 7 criteria below Point values range from 0 10 for each category Use the suggested questions on the back of this form to develop your assessment Comments are for the judges use only Unacceptable Average Exceptional How well did the poster describe the nature of the research question or issue Judges must give a score for each category Failure to do so may invalidate the results Add scores in right column to obtain total score Maximum total of 100 Scholarly context for the problem question may be apparent but not sufficiently demonstrated or for creative works the work or performance may not add to the genre chosen

Presentation contains accurate information with appropriate citations Material included is relevant to the overall message purpose Appropriate amount of material is prepared and points made reflect well their relative importance Presentation appropriately cites requisite number of This document outlines a rubric for evaluating student presentations with categories for content pronunciation grammar fluency body language question response group collaboration and total score


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Score Sheet Template In Google Docs Word Apple Pages PDF Template

Preparing Students For Successful Presentations Presentation Rubric
Use the criteria below to assess your contribution to the group presentation as well as the contribution of each of your teammates

A Presentation Rating Form Example
Student Presentation Scoring Guide And Rubric Resources…
Student Presentation Scoring Guide and Rubric Score 43210Weight Possible points Evaluation Criteria Introduction Effectiveness of your brief initial discussion of the content scope and flow of your presentation Your introduction makes perfectly clear the salient points and scope of your talk A bit too brief or too long or missing an


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2012 Marketing Presentation Score Sheet Team Number School

Student Presentation Score Sheet - A note to judges Student presentations should be aimed at a general but well educated audience Please use the following criteria for judging Rating Scale 1 Marginal 2 Acceptable 3 Above Average 4 Excellent Scoring Criteria Excellent demonstrates superior creativity originality or understanding in approach content or