Ugc Api Score Sheet For Associate Professor Guidelines for calculating API score for research and academic contribution as per UGC Regulations 2010 Category II III as adopted by the University of Delhi I For the post of Professor Consolidated API score requirement of 400
Methodology for University and College Teachers for calculating Academic Research Score Assessment must be based on evidence produced by the teacher such as copy of publications project sanction letter utilization and completion certificates issued by the University and acknowledgements for 1 university grants commission new delhi 110002 the february 2018 draft ugc regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in universities and colleges and
Ugc Api Score Sheet For Associate Professor
Ugc Api Score Sheet For Associate Professor
MS Excel Based UGC API Form Filled In Complete Set
API Score
Brief Explanation Based on the teacher s self assessment category II API scores are proposed for co curricular and extension activities and Professional development related contributions The minimum API required by teachers for eligibility for promotion is 15 A list of items and proposed scores is given below Brief Explanation Based on the teacher s self assessment API scores are proposed for a teaching related activities b domain knowledge c participation in examination and evaluation d contribution to innovative teaching new courses etc
Minimum Point Norms of the APIS to be applied for the promotion of teachers in University Departments under CAS 2010 Required 10 points may be achieved either from Category I or Category II Research Papers in Peer Reviewed or UGC listed Refereed Journals without Impact Factor Research Papers in Peer Reviewed or UGC listed with Impact Factor less than 1 API CALCULATOR 2018 TABLE 2 ACADEMIC RESEARCH SCORE For Faculty of Sciences Engineering Agriculture Medical Veterinary Sciences 1 Peer Reviewed and Refereed
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The minimum API score required by teachers from this category is 75 The self assessment score should be based on objectively verifiable criteria wherever possible and will be finalized by the screening selection committee Universities will be required to detail the activities and in case institutional specificities The Research score for research papers would be augmented as follows Peer Reviewed or UGC listed Journals Impact factor to be determined as per Thomson Reuters list i Paper in refereed journals without impact factor 5 Points
i Please read the instructions given at the end of Proforma for calculating API Score in each category v Applicants must submit documentary evidence in support of each of the claim vi Use additional sheets wherever necessary information if required as well the direction No 6 of 2018 of Gondwana University Gadchiroli This post of PhDTalks is for the University College Teachers Assistant Professors Assosciate Professors and Professors to know the UGC guidelines for calculating Academic Research Score API
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Guidelines for calculating API score for research and academic contribution as per UGC Regulations 2010 Category II III as adopted by the University of Delhi I For the post of Professor Consolidated API score requirement of 400…
Methodology for University and College Teachers for calculating Academic Research Score Assessment must be based on evidence produced by the teacher such as copy of publications project sanction letter utilization and completion certificates issued by the University and acknowledgements for

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Ugc Api Score Sheet For Associate Professor - A free online research tool to calculate UGC API Score The tool is based on UGC latest Regulations