Vail Sports Test Score Sheet The total available points for the Vail Sport Test is 54 and a patient is required to score at least 46 out of 54 points 85 in order to receive a passing score although this has not been established in the research
Main outcome measure Participants performance on the Vail Sport Test was graded by an experienced rater in real time and simultaneously recorded by a three dimensional 3D motion capture system Scoring Limb symmetry index LSI greater than or equal to 90 involved vs uninvolved limb is required for each test except for Composite Y balance scoring which is based on limb length norms
Vail Sports Test Score Sheet
Vail Sports Test Score Sheet
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Wilson CL Wang D Chen J Vail J Rugg CM Hame S Lower Quarter Y Balance Test Scores and Lower Extremity Injury in NCAA Division I Athletes Orthop J Sports Med 2017 5 8 1 5 Rev 11 2017 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 No Difficulty Slight Difficulty Moderate Extreme Unable to do Twisting pivoting on invloved leg Deep squatting Heavy work push
Conclusions The results of this study suggest that the Vail Sport TestTM has excellent reliability when the same graders scored the test using video on repeated occasions In addition the test was reliable between dif ferent graders The purposes of this study are 1 to describe a functional test Vail Sport Test that includes the evaluation of muscle strength endurance power and movement quality in those patients attempting to return to sports following ACL reconstruction and 2 to assess the reliability of the Vail Sport Test
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Objectives To determine the validity and inter session reliability of the Vail Sport Test Design Cohort study exploratory methodological research design Setting Clinical Research Laboratory Participants Forty eight participants who underwent ACL R Forty eight participants who underwent ACL R Participants performance on the Vail Sport Test was graded by an experienced rater in real time and simultaneously recorded by a three
The purposes of this study are 1 to describe a functional test Vail Sport Test that includes the evaluation of muscle strength endurance power and movement quality in those patients This technical note describes the Vail Hip Sport Test and its utility in the assessment of functionality and readiness to return to sport in the setting of hip arthroscopy
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The total available points for the Vail Sport Test is 54 and a patient is required to score at least 46 out of 54 points 85 in order to receive a passing score although this has not been established in the research…
Main outcome measure Participants performance on the Vail Sport Test was graded by an experienced rater in real time and simultaneously recorded by a three dimensional 3D motion capture system

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Vail Sports Test Score Sheet - Participants performance on the Vail Sport Test was graded by an experienced rater in real time and simultaneously recorded by a three dimensional 3D motion capture system Construct validity was assessed using the reference standards of the camera system and the IKDC short form