Volhard Puppy Test Score Sheet We took these tests added some of our own and put together what is now known as the Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test or PAT PAT uses a scoring system from 1 6 and consists of ten tests
PAT uses a scoring system from 1 6 and consists of ten tests The tests are done consecutively in the order listed Each test is scored separately and interpreted on its own merits The scores Dog Training For Dummies by Jack Wendy Volhard IDG Books 2001 which contains the information necessary for accurate results and the correct interpretation of the scores
Volhard Puppy Test Score Sheet
Volhard Puppy Test Score Sheet
The Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test How To Test Your Puppies Temperament
Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test Sample Test Score Sheet Makedailyprofit
Few puppies will test with all 2 s or all 3 s there will b e a mixture of scores For that first time wonderfully easy to train potential star look for a puppy that scores with mostly 4 s and 3 s A puppy that consistently scores a1 in the temperament section of the test is an extremely dominant aggressive E puppy who can easily be provoked to bite
A puppy that scores 6 consistently is independent low in Pack Drive and uninterested in people He will mature into a dog who is not demonstrably affectionate and who has a low need for human companionship In general it TEST SCORE B e t t y P e b b l e s W i l m a B a r n e y F r e d SOCIALATTRACTION Placepuppyintestarea about4feetfromtester Testerkneels leans backwardsandcoaxes thepuppytohimby clappinghandsgently Showsdegreeofsocial attractiontopeople confidence or dependence packdrive Camereadily tailup jumped bitathands 1 Camereadily tailup
More picture related to Volhard Puppy Test Score Sheet
The Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test How To Test Your Puppies Temperament
Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test Sample Test Score Sheet Makedailyprofit
Choosing A Puppy The Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test The Online Dog
Tester kneels leans backwards and coaxes the pup to her him by clapping hands gently Shows degree of social attraction to people confidence or dependence pack drive The tester stands up and slowly walks away encouraging the puppy to follow Make sure the pup sees you walk away The tester stands up and slowly walks away encouraging the puppy to follow Make sure the pup sees you walk away Coax puppy to follow by talking to it and attracting its attention Shows willingness to follow a person Pack Drive underfoot bit at feet 1 Followed readily tail up got underfoot 2 Followed readily tail up 3 X
The Puppy Aptitude Test PAT is a widely used method for selecting the right puppy for the right home This 2003 copyrighted version was developed by Joachim and Wendy Volhard The score sheet below has been prepared for those who have the Volhards book Instructions for performing the Volhard s Puppy Aptitude Test Includes printable PDF of the test
Printable Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test Aptitude Test Puppies Gsd
Puppy Temperament Test Score Sheet Micheal Coyle
We took these tests added some of our own and put together what is now known as the Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test or PAT PAT uses a scoring system from 1 6 and consists of ten tests

PAT uses a scoring system from 1 6 and consists of ten tests The tests are done consecutively in the order listed Each test is scored separately and interpreted on its own merits The scores

Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test Sample Test Score Sheet Makedailyprofit

Printable Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test Aptitude Test Puppies Gsd

The Volhard Puppy Aptitude Testing And Our Thoughts Petsynse

Puppy Temperament Test Volhard Shanda Richard

Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test Sample Test Score Sheet Makedailyprofit

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Wendy Volhard s Puppy Aptitude Test Alpha Instincts Dog Training

Wendy Volhard s Puppy Aptitude Test Alpha Instincts Dog Training

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Volhard Puppy Test Score Sheet - TEST SCORE B e t t y P e b b l e s W i l m a B a r n e y F r e d SOCIALATTRACTION Placepuppyintestarea about4feetfromtester Testerkneels leans backwardsandcoaxes thepuppytohimby clappinghandsgently Showsdegreeofsocial attractiontopeople confidence or dependence packdrive Camereadily tailup jumped bitathands 1 Camereadily tailup