W Apt Score Sheet Scoring Speaking Items Examples of Acceptable Responses Acceptable student responses will vary as indicated in the following examples Other similar responses would be acceptable as well
W APT aligned to the WIDA ELP Standards and ACCESS for ELLs is designed to provide this baseline information All scoring of the W APT is completed on site by the test administrator The W APT is semi secure and available for use at any time Grades 6 8 W APT Scoring Sheet for Speaking and Writing Page 1 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System on behalf of the WIDA Consortium Date School District Test Administrator
W Apt Score Sheet
W Apt Score Sheet
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Sample Score Sheet PDF
The W APT materials consist of a Test Administrator s manual a reusable test booklet that contains the graphics for Speaking the Lis tening and Reading tests and the prompts for Writing consumable Writing task sheets and a consumable scoring sheet All materials are free to Consortium members and downloadable from www wida us The W APT scoring sheet guides test administrators in assigning an overall or composite English language proficiency level for all four components of the test
This WIDA ACCESS Placement Test W APT Test Administration Manual Scored Writing Samples applies to all grade level clusters including Kindergarten The W APT scoring sheet guides test administrators in assigning an overall or composite English language proficiency level for all four components of the test The W APT Score Calculator is a tool to save test administrators the time and trouble of manually converting raw scores and calculating students composite proficiency levels CPLs
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Use the chart to translate the raw score for Reading from page 2 of the Kindergarten W APT scoring sheet into a skill description about a student s reading ability Following guidelines and cut scores have been determined for identification of a student as an English Learner EL Scores Levels for Identification of English Learners EL using W APT Kindergarten First Semester
Kindergarten W APT Writing Scoring Sheet DIAGNOSTIC TEST FOR STUDENTS IN 2 ND SEMESTER KINDERGARTEN THROUGH 1 ST SEMESTER 1 ST GRADE Date Purpose Provide training to successfully administer the WIDA ACCESS Placement Test across the four domains of listening speaking reading and writing Participants will receive practice in administering the scripts scoring the speaking assessment and scoring the writing assessment
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Scoring Speaking Items Examples of Acceptable Responses Acceptable student responses will vary as indicated in the following examples Other similar responses would be acceptable as well
W APT aligned to the WIDA ELP Standards and ACCESS for ELLs is designed to provide this baseline information All scoring of the W APT is completed on site by the test administrator The W APT is semi secure and available for use at any time
WIDA W APT Score Calculator Converts RAW Score To A PL Proficiency
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W Apt Score Sheet - The W APT scoring sheet guides test administrators in assigning an overall or composite English language proficiency level for all four components of the test The W APT Score Calculator is a tool to save test administrators the time and trouble of manually converting raw scores and calculating students composite proficiency levels CPLs