Weefim Score Sheet Pdf

Weefim Score Sheet Pdf Objective To examine the utility of the WeeFIM instrument WeeFIM in detecting changes in the functional status of children with disability Design Prospective longitudinal design with correlation and responsiveness analysis Setting Three facilities providing services to children with developmental disabilities in western New York State

The document is a WeeFIM score sheet used to assess functional independence in pediatric patients It contains norms for total WeeFIM scores by age in months for children ages 3 to 8 years old The score sheet is used to evaluate independence in self care mobility and cognition by assigning scores from 1 to 7 in different functional areas and FIM or WeeFIM Assessment Scoresheet 2020 Free download as Word Doc doc docx PDF File pdf Text File txt or read online for free

Weefim Score Sheet Pdf


Weefim Score Sheet Pdf


Fillable Online WeeFIM Score Sheet Brain Injury Fax Email Print


Functional Independence Measure FIM Example Free PDF Download
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FIM and WeeFIM scores form part of the criteria for eligibility for both interim participation initial period and lifetime participation rest of life in the Lifetime Support Scheme FIM or WeeFIM is needed if the injured person has had a traumatic brain injury or burns Functional change is a key outcome measure of rehabilitation episodes The FIM instrument comprises 18 items each of which is assessed against a seven point ordinal scale where the higher the score for an item the more independently the patient is able to perform the tasks assessed by that item Total scores range from 18 to 126

Based on direct observation or care giver report obtained by a trained examiner WeeFIM items are rated on a 7 level ordinal scale where a 1 represents the need for total assistance and a 7 represents complete indepen dence Scores are derived for the three domains as well as a total score the latter ranges from 18 to 126 Ensure that for scores of 5 or less you identify clearly if the issues are related to the brain or burn injury by selecting the yes or no check box on our FIM or WeeFIM score sheet Where a combination of factors contributes to this score we need you to identify all the contributing factors

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Weefim Espa ol Evaluacion WeeFIM Score LTCS WeeFIM Score Sheet


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WeeFIM Total Score Maximum Score 18 Items 7 126 Download Scientific

WeeFIM Score Sheet Brain Injury Free download as Word Doc doc PDF File pdf Text File txt or read online for free Weefim There was a significant correlation between age of the child and total WeeFIM score revealing increasing independence with increasing chronological age Msall et al 1994 Principal components analysis suggests distinct motor and cognitive scales Chen Bode Granger Heinenmann 2005

The aim of a FIM audit is to review the accuracy of FIM scoring in relation to written documentation from rehabilitation staff You can download the FIM Audit Tool pdf All prices are in AUD and GST inclusive FIM and WeeFIM are trademarks of the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation a division of UB Foundation Activities Inc We aimed to establish reference values of WeeFIM data for Indian Mangalore children aged 3 7 years and to elucidate the difference in WeeFIM domain rating between the sexes identify differences among children in government versus private schools and determine the effects of the socioeconomic status on the WeeFIM rating




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Objective To examine the utility of the WeeFIM instrument WeeFIM in detecting changes in the functional status of children with disability Design Prospective longitudinal design with correlation and responsiveness analysis Setting Three facilities providing services to children with developmental disabilities in western New York State

Fillable Online WeeFIM Score Sheet Brain Injury Fax Email Print
WeeFIM Score Sheet MS Word PDF Wheelchair Scribd

The document is a WeeFIM score sheet used to assess functional independence in pediatric patients It contains norms for total WeeFIM scores by age in months for children ages 3 to 8 years old The score sheet is used to evaluate independence in self care mobility and cognition by assigning scores from 1 to 7 in different functional areas and


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WeeFIM Score Sheet Brain Injury PDF Wheelchair Neuropsychological

Weefim Score Sheet Pdf - FIM and WeeFIM scores form part of the criteria for eligibility for both interim participation initial period and lifetime participation rest of life in the Lifetime Support Scheme FIM or WeeFIM is needed if the injured person has had a traumatic brain injury or burns