Western Dressage Score Sheets

Western Dressage Score Sheets Western Dressage Rules Guidelines Western Dressage Rules and Tests are based on Dressage fundamentals and showcase applications for the Working Western Horse They were devised through a collaborative effort on the part of member feedback the evaluation of respected horse people and equine organizations and then revised and

In Dressage it is tradition to receive score sheets from the judge showing the score and comment for the horse and rider on each component of the test Using a point scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being perfect the judge may add scoring comments to the score sheet Mountain Trail Score sheet 0 10 View PDF Mountain Trail Score sheet I M T C A View PDF Official s Contract Sample View PDF Prix Caprilli Test 1 View PDF Prix Caprilli Test 2 View PDF Ranch Trail Horse Score sheet 55 BC GAMES View PDF Ranch Riding Horse Pattern 4 55 BC GAMES View PDF Ranch Riding Horse Blank Score sheet All Patterns View

Western Dressage Score Sheets


Western Dressage Score Sheets


Analysing Your Dressage Score Sheets To Improve Your Riding Strides


Dressage Tests Dressage Tests Dressage Training Dressage Horses

Our Western Dressage Tests are designed with progressive elements to showcase the developing skill of horse and rider Be sure to take advantage of the Horse Lifetime Points and Awards Program it tracks points achieved by a horse with their riding partner throughout their Western Dressage career NAWD Preparation Tests are scored similar to standard dressage tests with a score and comments given from 1 10 for each movement and overall scores given at the end for Collective Marks The collectives for the NAWD Preparation tests are as follows 5 suficient judges Tests are available for educational use without restriction

USPC Western Dressage Master Score Sheet Rally Name Date Denotes Team Captain Highest Overall Wins Lowest Horse Management Score Wins Other scoring column can be used for any additional scores not related to Horse Management Printing on paper sized other than 11x17 may adversely affect the formatting of this Author Standing on the right side perform a leg yield 5 10 steps to the left Halt Willingness straightness and balance Rhythm and correct footfalls

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Western Dressage Intro Test 1 Diagram


Free Printable Score Sheets Printable Templates


Fraidy Cat Eventing OF Starter Trials Dressage Stadium

DressageCalculator makes it quick easy and accurate to calculate the score for a dressage test sheet The calculator knows which scores should be doubled which ones form part of the collective mark can show a percentage or event type total and calculates to Each movement of the dressage test is scored A 10 is listed where that is the best score possible Some have co efficient marks e g 10x2 which means that whatever the score for the movement is must be multiplied by 2 the maximum score possible being 20

This class uses the principles of classical dressage to showcase American Quarter Horses in traditional western saddles in a harmonious partnership with the rider Lightness and harmony are emphasized as the horse completes a pattern based on its level of training Cowboy Dressage Judges Scoresheets Test Diagrams and Call Sheets Individual Tests are 5 00 each you get the Scoresheet the Call Sheets and all the Diagrams in PDF format which can be downloaded to your computer and or your tablet or cellphone


Scoring Better Dressage Scores


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Dressage Show 20 April Horse Riding Lessons In London
Western Dressage Rules amp Guidelines

Western Dressage Rules Guidelines Western Dressage Rules and Tests are based on Dressage fundamentals and showcase applications for the Working Western Horse They were devised through a collaborative effort on the part of member feedback the evaluation of respected horse people and equine organizations and then revised and

Analysing Your Dressage Score Sheets To Improve Your Riding Strides
Western Dressage Understanding Test Scores Equine Monthly

In Dressage it is tradition to receive score sheets from the judge showing the score and comment for the horse and rider on each component of the test Using a point scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being perfect the judge may add scoring comments to the score sheet


Fillable Online Western Riding Score Sheet Pattern 2 AQHA Fax Email


Scoring Better Dressage Scores


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Western Dressage Score Sheets - This book contains all Cowboy Dressage Tests with 10 diagrams per page All of the 2017 NEW TESTS are included The beginning and end plus elements of each move is clearly shown with color coding to make for easier judging at a glance This book is an invaluable aid for the serious Cowboy Dressage enthusiast who is or wants to become a judge