Western Horsemanship Score Sheet Score Sheet for Western Horsemanship Class Name Judge 3 pts break of gait at walk trot up to 2 strides over under turn 1 8 1 4 tick hit 5pts break of gait out of lead missed lead 1 2 strides obvious looking for lead not stopping w in 10 ft of spot break of gait at walk or trot for more than 2 strides head too low behind vertical loss of stirrup bottom of boot not touching
Patterns and Score Sheets Below find valuable information and documents for Judges and Stewards alike Looking for forms charts Notebook chapters or Steward information Each maneuver scored 3 Excellent 2 Very Good 1 Good 0 Average or Correct 1 Poor 2 Very Poor 3 Extremely Poor Overall horsemanship form and effectiveness scored from 0 to 5 with 0 to 2 Average 3 Good 4 Very Good 5 Excellent
Western Horsemanship Score Sheet
Western Horsemanship Score Sheet
Make A Good First Impression Horse Rider Western Pleasure Horses
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HORSEMANSHIP SCORE SHEET CLASS 361 AQHA Western HMS Am WT L1 SHOW The Goldmine Circuit AQHA JUDGE Michele Pearson DATE Nov 10 2022 SIGNATURE Each rider is scored between 0 Infinity points and automatically begins the run with a score of 70 points 3 Extremely Poor 2 Very Poor 1 Poor 0 Correct 1 Good 2 Very Good 3 Excellent W HORSEMANSHIP SCORE SHEET CLASS 361 AQHA Western HMS Am WT L1 SHOW The Goldmine Circuit AQHA JUDGE Tracy Willis DATE Nov 10 2022 SIGNATURE Each rider is scored between 0 Infinity points and automatically begins the run with a score of 70 points 3 Extremely Poor 2 Very Poor 1 Poor 0 Correct 1 Good 2 Very Good 3 Excellent W O
Erste Westernreiter Union ERSTE WESTERNREITER UNION PFERDESPORTVERBAND WESTERNREIIEN Author Anne Marie Grabowski Created Date 9 29 2020 2 09 46 PM Microsoft Word Western Horsemanship Score Sheet docx Created Date 20170518203211Z
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ADVANCED WESTERN HORSEMANSHIP CONTESTANT NUMBER NO MAX POINTS POINTS REMARKS 1 5 2 20 3 20 4 20 5 15 6 15 7 5 TOTAL Title Microsoft Word Advanced Western Horsemanship Score sheet doc The western horsemanship event is judged both on how the horse performs for the rider and the rider s skill Judges evaluate the rider s position and tests the ability of the rider and the horse to perform a prescribed pattern
Working Ranch Western Riding Trail Reining Hunt Seat Equitation Hunter Under Saddle Advanced Western Horsemanship Advanced Western Pleasure Class Rank 1 Class Rank 2 Ranking Sheet 3 Longe Line Score Sheet Horse Show Seat S Rider should maintain erect posture correct center of balance and complete contact with saddle Faults excessive body motion poor posture failure to maintain seat Hands H Should be quite and light maintaining consistent control Reins must be held correctly
Meine Handvoll Hufeisen Die Western Horsemanship Disziplinen Im
Walk Trot Western Horsemanship Pattern Printable Equitation Horse Show

Score Sheet for Western Horsemanship Class Name Judge 3 pts break of gait at walk trot up to 2 strides over under turn 1 8 1 4 tick hit 5pts break of gait out of lead missed lead 1 2 strides obvious looking for lead not stopping w in 10 ft of spot break of gait at walk or trot for more than 2 strides head too low behind vertical loss of stirrup bottom of boot not touching

Patterns and Score Sheets Below find valuable information and documents for Judges and Stewards alike Looking for forms charts Notebook chapters or Steward information


Meine Handvoll Hufeisen Die Western Horsemanship Disziplinen Im

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Western Horsemanship Score Sheet - Suggested Scoring Scoring may be on a basis of 0 to 20 with half point increments acceptable Ten points should be allocated toward overall appearance of exhibitor and horse and 10 points allocated toward performance of the pattern