You And Your Dog 4h Score Sheet Guide The judge is to use the 4 H Obedience or Showmanship Score Sheets In all classes the judge has the option of assessing penalty points for errors or misbehavior Dogs will be placed in Blue Red and White award groups as follows Blue 180 200 points Red 150 179 points White 149 points and below Commands and Signals
You are required to answer 3 questions from the Ohio 4 H Dog Resource Handbook 2016 and 2018 Questions are worth 10 points each Partial credit may be given for multiple part answers Name and Breed of 4 H Project Dog Class J 20 4 H ages 8 10 J 21 4 H ages 11 13 J 22 4 H ages 14 18 Keep this score sheet with you until your exhibitor number is called
You And Your Dog 4h Score Sheet
You And Your Dog 4h Score Sheet
4 H Posters 4 H Club 4 H 4 H Clover
4 H Horse Project Showmanship Practice YouTube
Adapted from the Washington State 4 H Guide Command Discrimination The principal features of this exercise are the dog s correct response to the handler s commands and or signals and that the dog stays until the handler returns to heel position The orders are Leave your dog and Back to your dog The Gaiting Proper speed lead held properly lead not tight arm in correct position Stacking Proper pose for dog or breed dog kept stacked method of placing feet and holding dog Control of Dog Proper lead for dog size and difficulty one hand on dog at all times
UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING 4 H Revised February 2022 JUDGES Please see current 4H guidelines for exercise descriptions Dogs receiving major deductions failure to complete the essential components of the exercise must not qualify for state fair Dogs Agility Classes Brace Class Dog Show Score Sheets Drill Team Four Person Team Class Grooming and Handling Classes March Dog Madness keep as draft NYS 4 H Dog Show Dress Code Obedience Classes Rally Classes Service Dog Class Pets Rabbit and Cavies
More picture related to You And Your Dog 4h Score Sheet
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4 H Dog Project
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YOU AND YOUR DOG INTERVIEW SCORE SHEET EVALUATION AREAS EXPLANATION COMPANION ANIMAL DAY JUDGING July 31 INTERVIEW ONLY NO DOGS PROJECT KNOWLEDGE 30 POINTS You are required to answer 3 questions from the Ohio 4 H Dog Resource Handbook 2016 and 2018 Questions are worth 5 points each Partial credit may Score sheets Our universal state recommended score sheets will be provided and are used at this show Questions after judging While time is very limited during
Class J 19 4 H ages 8 10 J 20 4 H ages 11 13 J 21 4 H ages 14 18 Keep this score sheet with you until your exhibitor number is called AREAS TO BE EVALUATED The scoresheets in this packet can be used to evaluate Michigan 4 H dog shows Download the complete set by clicking the Download File button or download individual score sheets at the links listed below
MN 4 H Dog Project Showmanship YouTube…
Guide The judge is to use the 4 H Obedience or Showmanship Score Sheets In all classes the judge has the option of assessing penalty points for errors or misbehavior Dogs will be placed in Blue Red and White award groups as follows Blue 180 200 points Red 150 179 points White 149 points and below Commands and Signals…
You are required to answer 3 questions from the Ohio 4 H Dog Resource Handbook 2016 and 2018 Questions are worth 10 points each Partial credit may be given for multiple part answers

Michigan 4 H Cloverbud Snapshot Sheet 4 H Dog Project 4H1724 4 H



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You And Your Dog 4h Score Sheet - 4 H 501A Revised 1 19 Dumbbell Over High Jump Handler must go 8ft beyond jump to call dog Handler must go Exercise Deductions Score Penalties GRAND TOTAL Jumps dog is 7 yrs old 3 4 jump height Command Discrimination STAND SIT DOWN Did not remain in place Anticipated command Stand Sit Down before handler returns Stand Sit