Youth Bible Drill Score Sheet

Youth Bible Drill Score Sheet A drill leader conductor three regular point judges a bonus point judge and a timekeeper are used Each judge will score all participants maximum of 12 In scoring when there s a question the judging team will give participants the benefit of the doubt

Participant fails to handle Bible according to instructions or abuses the Bible When a participant makes a mistake write the number 1 4 in the corresponding box on the score sheet The bonus judge will watch for the first person to step out on each call Youth Bible Drill Score Sheet Regular Judge When a participant makes a mistake write the number 1 4 in the corresponding box on the score sheet Bonus Judge The bonus judge will watch for the rst person to step out on each

Youth Bible Drill Score Sheet


Youth Bible Drill Score Sheet


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YOUTH BIBLE DRILL TALLY SHEET INSTRUCTIONS 1 Transfer individual scores from each judge s sheet to appropriate place on tally sheet 2 TOTAL all scores WHO ADVANCES Church Drill 180 or more points is Church Winner and advances to Regionals Regional Drill 225 or more points is Regional Winner and advances to State The Youth Bible Drill Example a Failure to keep eyes upon the leader until the command Start is given b Sliding or jumping forward instead of stepping 4 BIBLE Flipping pages carelessly Closing the Bible with unnecessary noise Abusing the Bible 5 PROCEDURE Starting before command Start is given Stepping forward before index

JUDGES TALLY SHEET 1 Transfer individual scores from each judge s sheet to appropriate place on tally sheet TOTAL all scores 2 CHURCH DRILLS drillers scoring at least 180 points advance to association 3 ASSOCIATION DRILLS drillers scoring at PROCEDURE Stepping forward before the index finger is on the correct response or turning pages after stepping forward Searching in the Bible before Start command Stepping forward then back BIBLE Failure to handle Bible properly including excessive and noisy flipping or fanning pages

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Bible Drill is a church event for youth in grades seven through nine and high school in grades 10 12 While preparing for the drill teens develop skills in using their Bibles locating books and verses memorizing passages and locating passages dealing with doctrinal and ethical concerns The Youth Bible Drill Example a Failure to keep eyes upon the leader until the command Start is given b Sliding or jumping forward instead of stepping 4 BIBLE Flipping pages carelessly Closing the Bible with unnecessary noise Abusing the Bible 5 PROCEDURE Starting before command Start is given Stepping forward before index

MARKING THE BONUS POINT The bonus judge will watch for the participant who steps out first on each call and will mark a slash in the appropriate box If two or more step out first together a bonus point should be given to each one For what ages is Bible Drill designed Bible Drill competition is broken into three age categories Children s Drill 4th 6th grade Youth Drill 7th 9th grade and High School Drill 10th 12th grade


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A drill leader conductor three regular point judges a bonus point judge and a timekeeper are used Each judge will score all participants maximum of 12 In scoring when there s a question the judging team will give participants the benefit of the doubt

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Participant fails to handle Bible according to instructions or abuses the Bible When a participant makes a mistake write the number 1 4 in the corresponding box on the score sheet The bonus judge will watch for the first person to step out on each call


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Youth Bible Drill Score Sheet - PROCEDURE Stepping forward before the index finger is on the correct response or turning pages after stepping forward Searching in the Bible before Start command Stepping forward then back BIBLE Failure to handle Bible properly including excessive and noisy flipping or fanning pages