4 H Demonstration Score Sheet Subject matter accurate and up to date TIME 5 15 minutes Participants going over under time will be assessed a one time penalty of 3 points from the final averaged score and WILL BE ELIGIBLE for a 1st 2nd or 3rd placing
Instructions Write the appropriate rating in the Score column Make comments to help participants identify their strengths and areas for improvement Use the back of the sheet if necessary Scores below a three must include a comment Neat well groomed dressed appropriately Posture erect but not stiff Gestures natural contribute to talk 4H1104 Kansas 4 H Demonstration or Illustrated Talk Scoresheet Author Beth Hinshaw Subject Scoring guide for demonstrations or illustrated talks Keywords 4 H youth development public speaking presentations illustrated talk Created Date 1 13 2021 8 19 58 AM
4 H Demonstration Score Sheet
4 H Demonstration Score Sheet
4 H Demonstration Jonah Knopf Project Outdoor Recreation YouTube
Pulaski County 4 H Speech Demonstration Contest 2024 Pulaski County
https://pulaski.ca.uky.edu/sites/pulaski.ca.uky.edu/files/inline-images/Add a heading.jpg
What did the 4 H member do particularly well What could have the 4 H member have done differently to make the presentation more effective INSTRUCTIONS Make comments to help participants identify their strengths and areas for improvement 1 Did introduction create interest in subject Was catchy title used Was introduction short and to the point 2 Was one theme clear throughout the presentation 3 Was the theme presented in logical order
Score Sheet Name of 4 H er Subject Judged By Other Information HOW TO SCORE I Presentation A Introduction 15 1 Introduced self and demonstration 2 Caught attention of audience and created interest 3 Gave purpose of presentation and told why selected subject Subject matter accurate and up to date 5 15 minutes Participants going over under time will be assessed a one time penalty of 3 points from the final averaged score and WILL BE ELIGIBLE for a 1st 2nd or 3rd placing
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Illustrate main ideas neat large enough to be seen age appropriate handles visuals in easy manner Was the summary short and interesting Were the key points briefly reviewed Did the summary properly wrap up the presentation Did the speaker achieve his her purpose 2 Did speaker ask for questions Use the back of the sheet if necessary 1 Did introduction create interest in subject Was catchy title used 2 Was introduction short and to the point 3 Was only one theme demonstrated 4 Was each step shown just as it would be done in an actual situation 5
Equipment suitable for work Visuals used support presentation charts posters easily read Summarized important points Quality of finished product Answers to questions Closing definite Table left neat Arizona 4 H Demonstration Contest Score Sheet Contestant County Club Title Please circle a score for each area Category Excel Good Fair Needs Improve Comments Additional comments may be made on the back of this sheet Appearance 10 points possible Suitably dressed Poise Posture 5 5 4 3 4 3 2 2 1 1 Introduction 15 points possible Appropriateness of topic
Maryland 4 H Essay Score Sheet
How To Give A 4 H Demonstration YouTube

Subject matter accurate and up to date TIME 5 15 minutes Participants going over under time will be assessed a one time penalty of 3 points from the final averaged score and WILL BE ELIGIBLE for a 1st 2nd or 3rd placing

Instructions Write the appropriate rating in the Score column Make comments to help participants identify their strengths and areas for improvement Use the back of the sheet if necessary Scores below a three must include a comment Neat well groomed dressed appropriately Posture erect but not stiff Gestures natural contribute to talk

Pulaski County 4 H Speech Demonstration Contest 2024 Pulaski County

Maryland 4 H Essay Score Sheet

4 h Demonstration Video YouTube
Demonstration Rating Sheet PDF Teachers Classroom Management

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Fillable Online Extension Arizona Cochise County Demonstration Score

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4 H Demonstration Score Sheet - What did the 4 H member do particularly well What could have the 4 H member have done differently to make the presentation more effective