4 H Presentation Score Sheet Note This sheet is a guide to help you with the judging process and does not have to be filled out completely However you must rank each speaker and transfer the rankings onto the placings sheet Give only the placings sheet to the teller and destroy this sheet
Elements will be circled to help the 4 H member understand the scoring decision Note Absent level is not listed and will earn 0 points It is important that each item be scored and additions be checked for accuracy The scoring team should compare scores and arrive at a combined score for each presenter blue 90 100 red 75 89 white 74 or below Time requirements Juniors 9 11 Yrs 2 5 minutes Intermediates 12 13 Yrs 5 8 minutes Seniors 14 19 8 15 minutes
4 H Presentation Score Sheet
4 H Presentation Score Sheet
Public Presentations Kitsap County Washington State University
Grading Sheet For Presentation
How to Use the 4 H Presentation Score Sheet What to look for Topic o Importance and Relevance of Subject Established Member shows interest in what he or she is doing tells why the subject is important relates to recent events or developments o Audience Appeal The topic appeals to persons interested in subject stimulates audience Appropriate for Experience Is the presentation appropriate to the experience of the 4 H member Understands principles and practices presented Questions adequately answered Introduction Effective interesting This is an explanation of the presentation not an introduction of the 4 H member Does it get the attention of the audience
PowerPoint Digital Presentation Score Sheet Rubric Updated Fall 2019 4 H PowerPoint Digital Presentation A range of ratings is possible at each of the levels developing acceptable and exemplary Each person evaluation an education presentation is to score all items in divisions I II III see reverse side It is important that each item be scored and additions be checked for accuracy
More picture related to 4 H Presentation Score Sheet
PDF Presentation Score Sheet 4 H 4 H Presentations Score Sheet
Presentation Score Sheet
4 H Presentation Program For 2020 N C Cooperative Extension
COOPERATIVE EXTENISON SERVICE U S Dept of Agriculture 200 D 5 R 2022 Needs Improve Excessive Use of Notes minus 3 points Novice Time minus 1 point for each minute or fraction of a minute over 10 minutes Junior Time minus 1 point for each minute or fraction of minute over 10 minutes Use the following criteria as a baseline for scoring and providing constructive feedback Keep in mind that the rubric provides a set of guidelines for judges use age appropriate terms when phrasing feedback to youth
1 Use of 4 H Does the speaker relate the speech to 4 H Is the information accurate Is the topic narrow enough for the message to be given completely Is the information current Or is the information seemingly out of date too broad to be covered completely or incorrect A perfect score for this category is 20 points so FCS Educational Presentations Score Sheet Contestant State Title Please circle a score for each area Category Excel Good Fair Needs Improve Comments additional comments may be made on the back of this sheet Appearance 10 points possible Suitably dressed Poise Posture 5 5 4 3 4 3
4 H Presentations R They 4 U N C Cooperative Extension
Sonoma County 4 H Presentation Day 2023 Sonoma County Farm Bureau

Note This sheet is a guide to help you with the judging process and does not have to be filled out completely However you must rank each speaker and transfer the rankings onto the placings sheet Give only the placings sheet to the teller and destroy this sheet

Elements will be circled to help the 4 H member understand the scoring decision Note Absent level is not listed and will earn 0 points

Fillable Online 4 H POSTER SCORE SHEET Fax Email Print PdfFiller

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Demonstration And Illustrated Talks Score Sheet Florida 4 H Form Fill
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Sample 4 H Presentation YouTube

4 H Presentation Score Sheet - PowerPoint Digital Presentation Score Sheet Rubric Updated Fall 2019 4 H PowerPoint Digital Presentation A range of ratings is possible at each of the levels developing acceptable and exemplary