Apha Judges Score Sheets AmericanPaintHorseAssociation P O Box961023 FortWorth Texas76161 817 834 APHA 2742 Fax 817 834 3152 Trail and In Hand Trail Score Sheet Point Rating Value Excellent 1 1 2 VeryGood 1 Good 1 2 Correct 0
An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults LONGE LINE SCORE SHEET Class Number of Entries Judge Date Penalties Per infraction each direction 5 Failure to demonstrate the correct lead jog trot and walk for an adequate distance to allow for proper evaluation Disqualification Evidence of lameness Fall to the ground by horse a horse is deemed to have fallen when its shoulder
Apha Judges Score Sheets
Apha Judges Score Sheets
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Working Cow Horse Score Sheet Pattern 1 American Paint Horse Association 122 East Exchange Ave Suite 420 Fort Worth Texas 76164 apha association judges All Patterns Results are posted as they become available Let s Chat
Scoring Will be on a basis of 0 infinity with 70 denoting an average correct performance Each evaluated element will receive a score that will be added or subtracted from 70 and is subject to a penalty that should also be subtracted ALBERTA PAINT HORSE CLUB HIGH POINT RULES
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Fence Score Penalty Fence Score Judge s Signature Working Hunter Score Sheet Score Fence Quality 2 Excellent 1 Very Good 1 Good 1 2 Above Average 0 Average 1 2 Below Average 1 Poor 1 Very Poor 2 Extremely Poor Penalty 0 5 Play Penalty Tick or light touch of rail out of lead within line per stride in line Penalty 1 Drift along fence early unfold of Find a Judge In the APHA Judges Directory you ll find a searchable list of all APHA approved judges as well as their contact information the cards they hold schedule availability and more
Access forms for AQHA business including registration applications transfer forms the AQHA rulebook patterns judges score sheets and more Ranch Riding Score Sheet American Paint Horse Association P O Box 961023 Fon Worth Texas 76161 0023 817 834 APHA 2742 Fax 222 8489
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AmericanPaintHorseAssociation P O Box961023 FortWorth Texas76161 817 834 APHA 2742 Fax 817 834 3152 Trail and In Hand Trail Score Sheet Point Rating Value Excellent 1 1 2 VeryGood 1 Good 1 2 Correct 0
An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults
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Fillable Online Western Riding Score Sheet Pattern 2 AQHA Fax Email
31 APHA Judges Honored For Longtime Service InStrideEdition
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Apha Judges Score Sheets - All Patterns Results are posted as they become available Let s Chat