Barthel Index Score Sheet

Barthel Index Score Sheet The Barthel ADL Index Guidelines 1 The index should be used as a record of what a patient does not as a record of what a patient could do 2 The main aim is to establish degree of independence from any help physical or verbal however minor and for whatever reason 3 The need for supervision renders the patient not independent 4 A

Refer to the Guidelines section on the following page for detailed information on scoring and interpretation Sum the patient s scores for each item Total possible scores range from 0 20 with lower scores indicating increased disability The Barthel Index for Activities of Daily Living ADL assesses functional independence generally in stroke patients

Barthel Index Score Sheet


Barthel Index Score Sheet


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This modified Barthel Index calculator quantifies patient performance in 10 activities of daily living ADLs to evaluate degree of functional disability Instructions Choose the scoring point for the statement that most closely corresponds to the patient s current level of ability for each of the following 10 items Sum the patient s scores for each item Total possible scores range from 0 20

Activities Enter a score to indicate the the person s status as per the scoring guide indicated for each activity Mahoney FI Barthel D Functional evaluation the Barthel Index The Barthel Index measures functional disability in 10 ADLs by quantifying patient performance 5 point increments are used in scoring with a maximal score of 100 indicating full independence in physical functioning whilst a lowest score of 0 indicating a patient with

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BARTHEL INDEX pdf Medical Specialties Health Care

The Barthel ADL Index Guidelines 1 The index should be used as a record of what a patient does not as a record of what a patient could do 2 The main aim is to establish degree of independence from any help physical or verbal however minor and for whatever reason 3 The need for supervision renders the patient not independent 4 A Only use this item if the patient is rated 0 for Ambulation and then only if the patient has been trained in wheelchair management Dependent in wheelchair ambulation Patient can propel self short distances on flat surface but assistance is required

Access the Barthel Index Barthel Index by Mahoney FI and up to date information on copyright licensing scoring translations The 10 Item Modified Barthel Index Overview The 10 item modified Barthel Index is intended to establish the degree of independence of the patient from any help however minor and for whatever purpose Guidelines to completing this should record what the patient does rather than what the patient could do


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THE Patient Name Rater Name Activity Score Shirley Ryan
The Barthel ADL Index Guidelines 1 The index should be used as a record of what a patient does not as a record of what a patient could do 2 The main aim is to establish degree of independence from any help physical or verbal however minor and for whatever reason 3 The need for supervision renders the patient not independent 4 A

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Barthel ADL Index British Geriatrics Society…
Refer to the Guidelines section on the following page for detailed information on scoring and interpretation Sum the patient s scores for each item Total possible scores range from 0 20 with lower scores indicating increased disability


Modified Barthel Index Scoring 01573087 C00b20cb0afc8956f7172dfa


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Modified Barthel Index Shah Ver Urinary Incontinence Wheelchair


Barthel Index For Stroke Trials Stroke


Barthel Score Sheet


Barthel Score Sheet


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Barthel Index 0 20


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Barthel Index Score Sheet - The Barthel Index available here is an outcome measure used to score performance in activities of daily living and mobility The 10 items to score are feeding bathing grooming dressing bowel control bladder control toileting chair