Double Deck Pinochle Score Sheet Double Pinochle Guide Score Cards O b j e ct i ve F i rst t e a m t o 5 0 0 p o i n t s wi n s De a l a l l ca rd s t o t h e p l a ye rs T h e n b i d B i d wi n n e r d e cl a re s t ru mp T h e i r p a rt n e r p a sse s 3 ca rd s B i d wi n n e r t h e n p a sse s 3 ca rd s b a ck
It has the points for a single double triple and quad along with the various combinations and types This is a simple template that you can use and it has plenty of information to keep the game moving It tells you who was the dealer for every hand and what direction the discarded cards should be passed along with the bids and total score Our printable Pinochle score sheet templates are device friendly You can get these printed on A4 size papers too The Pinochle tournament can be handled professionally and with sincerity by employing these sheets for scoring purposes Let s take a look at the different templates and their features
Double Deck Pinochle Score Sheet
Double Deck Pinochle Score Sheet
Pinochle Rules Sheet
Pinochle Score Card Printable Pinochle Score Sheet Pinochle Score Pad
In this article we re going to explain how to play double pinochle which is played with four players in two teams We recommend reading over the entire instructions before playing your first round of Pinochle Materials needed Two decks of Pinochle cards Pen and paper to keep score or use our provided score sheet Goal of the game PINOCHLE SCORE PAD 400 600 800 pinochle 4 40 30 300 450 3000 J Q Only Double Deck 1000 1500 2000 800 1200 1600 600 900 1200 MELD POINT VALUES 150 40 20 Sequences A 10 K Q J of trump flush 15 K Q of trump royal marriage 4 K Q same suit marriage 2 Groups 4 Aces one from each suit 4 Kings one from each suit 4 Queens one
Scores 87 for meld a run 15 a royal marriage 4 a double marriage in spades 4 a pinochle 4 and double queens around 60 There is only one royal marriage as one king and one queen of hearts are already used for the run and the remaining queen can only marry one of the remaining kings How to Play Double Deck Pinochle Card Game Rules Interactive Tutorial Double deck Pinochle is a 4 player card game There are two teams of two players with partners sitting across from each other Points are scored in two ways via melding and trick taking
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Pinochle Rules Sheet
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Pinochle Rules Sheet
Double deck pinochle is played with 4 people forming 2 teams of 2 Teams are seated opposite of one another One player is selected as the dealer He or she shuffles the deck and asks the person to their right to cut the deck If you are looking for a compact score sheet book to keep score of your pinochle card games then you came to the right place We from Score Sheetz Publishing designed this book with beginners in mind This is why we included a section with
Pinochle is a classic trick taking and melding card game for two teams of two players partnership Pinochle or individual players cutthroat Pinochle It involves strategic bidding card combinations melds and skillful play to win tricks and score points Here s a Below is a scoring table for each meld in Double Deck Pinochle Each meld in Pinochle can be formed as a single double triple or quadruple In order to qualify for doubles triples or quadruples Players must have the same meld of
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Double Pinochle Guide Score Cards O b j e ct i ve F i rst t e a m t o 5 0 0 p o i n t s wi n s De a l a l l ca rd s t o t h e p l a ye rs T h e n b i d B i d wi n n e r d e cl a re s t ru mp T h e i r p a rt n e r p a sse s 3 ca rd s B i d wi n n e r t h e n p a sse s 3 ca rd s b a ck…
It has the points for a single double triple and quad along with the various combinations and types This is a simple template that you can use and it has plenty of information to keep the game moving It tells you who was the dealer for every hand and what direction the discarded cards should be passed along with the bids and total score

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Double Deck Pinochle Score Sheet - Scores 87 for meld a run 15 a royal marriage 4 a double marriage in spades 4 a pinochle 4 and double queens around 60 There is only one royal marriage as one king and one queen of hearts are already used for the run and the remaining queen can only marry one of the remaining kings