Usef Fourth Level Score Sheets Review the official tests so you have a clear understanding of what the judges are looking for at your level the Purpose at the top of each test as well as the important directive information for each movement Suggested ways to use these diagrams and other hints for memorizing your tests
2023 USEF FOURTH LEVEL TEST 2 Call Sheet Test Coefficient 1 A X Enter collected canter Halt salute Proceed collected trot 2 C M B Track right Shoulder in right 3 B K K Change rein medium trot Collected trot 4 A D E Down centerline Half pass left 5 E G C Half pass right Track left 6 H E Shoulder in left 7 E F F Change rein medium trot Collected trot 8 Call Sheet Test Coefficient 1 A X Enter working trot Halt salute Proceed working trot 2 C B Track right Circle right 20m 3 K X M Change rein 2 4 Between C H Working canter left lead 2 5 E Circle left 20m 6 Between E K Working trot 7 A Before A A Circle left 20m in rising trot allowing the horse to stretch forward and downward while maintaining contact Shorten the
Usef Fourth Level Score Sheets
Usef Fourth Level Score Sheets
Hoof Print Images Photography Class 430 USEF Fourth Level Test 2 10
2019 USEF Training Level Test 1 YouTube
This medium level of difficulty The horse has established consistent self carriage and lightness through improved connection engagement and collection The movements and transitions are performed with greater straightness impulsion and cadence All trot work must be done sitting READER PLEASE NOTE Anything in parentheses should not be read To confirm that the horse demonstrates correct basics and has developed sufficient throughness suppleness balance and impulsion to perform with ease the exercises at this medium level of difficulty The horse has established consistent self carriage and lightness through improved connection engagement and collection
This medium level of difficulty The horse has established consistent self carriage and lightness through improved connection engagement and collection The movements and transitions are performed with greater straightness impulsion and cadence All trot work must be done sitting READER PLEASE NOTE Anything in parentheses should not be read Reinback series tempi changes every third stride 10m half circle in counter canter To confirm that the horse demonstrates correct basics and has developed sufficient suppleness impulsion and throughness to perform the Fourth Level tests which have a medium degree of difficulty
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To confirm that the horse demonstrates correct basics and has developed suficient suppleness impulsion and throughness to perform the Fourth Level tests which have a medium degree of dificulty The horse remains reliably on the bit showing a clear uphill balance and lightness as a result of improved engagement and collection To confirm that the horse demonstrates correct basics and has developed suficient suppleness impulsion and throughness to perform the Fourth Level tests which have a medium degree of dificulty The horse remains reliably on the bit showing a clear uphill balance and lightness as a result of improved engagement and collection
Dressage tests serve as a measure of the horse and rider s schooling Each level builds upon the preceding level s principles This helps to ensure that the horse and rider build the strong foundation required for the skills needed at higher levels Questions Contact Laura Roberts Managing Director of Dressage National Dressage Tests 2019 USEF FOURTH LEVEL TEST 2 Call Sheet Test Coefficient 1 A X Enter collected canter Halt salute Proceed collected trot 2 C M B Track right Shoulder in right 3 B K K Change rein medium trot Collected trot 4 A D E Down centerline Half pass left 2 5 E G C Half pass right Track left 2 6 H E Shoulder in left 7 E F F Change rein medium trot Collected trot
2019 USEF Training Level Test 2 YouTube
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Review the official tests so you have a clear understanding of what the judges are looking for at your level the Purpose at the top of each test as well as the important directive information for each movement Suggested ways to use these diagrams and other hints for memorizing your tests USEF FOURT…
2023 USEF FOURTH LEVEL TEST 2 Call Sheet Test Coefficient 1 A X Enter collected canter Halt salute Proceed collected trot 2 C M B Track right Shoulder in right 3 B K K Change rein medium trot Collected trot 4 A D E Down centerline Half pass left 5 E G C Half pass right Track left 6 H E Shoulder in left 7 E F F Change rein medium trot Collected trot 8


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Fillable Online USEF NATIONAL LEVEL HUNTERS Fax Email Print PdfFiller

Judges Score Card


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Usef Fourth Level Score Sheets - At least two judges judging independently using individual score sheets are required for USDF Breeders Championship classes A scribe writes the judges comments onto the test sheets Must have a clear legible handwriting even at top speed