Essay Competition Score Sheet Is the student s essay double spaced with 1 inch margins and written in a 12 point font Does the student s essay include an introduction well structured body paragraphs and a conclusion
SCIENCE FAIR ESSAY CONTEST JUDGING SHEET Entry Number Clearly evident most points awarded Somewhat evident middle points awarded Not evident least points awarded CRITERIA POINT RANGE POINTS AWARDED Purpose question and hypothesis are clearly stated 0 10 20 Scientific Argument conclusions are adequately supported without Essay Contest Score Card Last Modified September 15 2020 POINTS Content Introduction Essay grabs the reader s attention
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Along the left side of the rubric grid are the criteria for evaluating students essays Along the top of the grid we have scores from 4 outstanding to 1 poor For each criterion match the essay with the description that best fits it and assign a score For each criterion listed score the essay on a scale of 1 5 with 5 being the best score Use a separate form for each essay Do not score in decimals or fractions whole numbers only Understanding of the topic To what extent did the writer demonstrate a clear understanding of the question and respond with details about his her experience
Find out how essays from each stream will be judged and graded here Creative essay rubric Argumentative essay rubric Journalistic essay rubric Essay Contest Judging Rubric Name of Student School For each criterion listed score the essay on a scale provided Use a separate form for each essay Do not score in decimals or fractions whole numbers only
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Each judge should read through each essay and place them in order from exceptional to needs improvement The judge should then complete the tally sheet provided Is the essay double spaced with 1 inch margins and written in a 12 point font Does the essay include an introduction well structured body paragraphs and a conclusion
Youth Essay Score Sheet Addressing the Theme 0 30 Pts Shows knowledge of the theme Theme Development 0 40 Pts Address who what where when why Clarity of Ideas 0 30 Pts Provides a clear explanation of the writer s interpretation of the theme Spelling and Grammar 0 10 Pts Essay 1 Essay 2 Essay 3 Essay 4 Essay 5 Contestant Code This document outlines a score sheet for an essay writing contest detailing evaluation criteria such as content relevance structure writing style and originality Each category has a specific weight contributing to a total score
Printable Judges Score Sheet Template
Essay Writing Evaluation Criteria…
Is the student s essay double spaced with 1 inch margins and written in a 12 point font Does the student s essay include an introduction well structured body paragraphs and a conclusion…
SCIENCE FAIR ESSAY CONTEST JUDGING SHEET Entry Number Clearly evident most points awarded Somewhat evident middle points awarded Not evident least points awarded CRITERIA POINT RANGE POINTS AWARDED Purpose question and hypothesis are clearly stated 0 10 20 Scientific Argument conclusions are adequately supported without
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