Gravity Score Sheet Pa Offense Gravity Score general a An Offense Gravity Score is assigned to each offense based on the elements of the conviction offense and the classification of the crime The Offense Gravity Scores are located in 303 15
It is important to accurately calculate the offense gravity score Further the calculation of the correct offense gravity score may be subject to litigation If the Commonwealth alleges that a particular object was a deadly weapon but the object was not a gun or a knife it may be possible to argue that the object was not actually a deadly weapon How does sentencing work in Pennsylvania In Pennsylvania sentencing judges use sentencing guidelines to determine the most appropriate sentence for an offender based on the seriousness of the offense Offense Gravity Score and the prior criminal history Prior Record Score of
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Pennsylvania Bulletin
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Browse Pennsylvania Code Rules and Regulations Chapter 303 SENTENCING GUIDELINES 7TH EDITION for free on Casetext Section 303 3 Offense Gravity Score general a An Offense Gravity Score is assigned to each offense based on the elements of the conviction offense and the classification of the crime The Offense Gravity Scores are located in 303 15
Judges use a calculation based on the gravity score of each offense a number that represents the offense s seriousness and an offender s prior criminal record The lower the gravity score and the fewer the prior convictions the shorter the guideline sentence This chapter cited in 204 Pa Code 307 3 relating to procedure for determining the guideline resentence State regulations are updated quarterly we currently have two versions available Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release
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Pennsylvania Bulletin
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Pennsylvania law provides for sentencing alternatives ranging from guilt without further penalty to total incarceration The Sentencing Guidelines recommend a range of minimum sentence based on the seriousness of the offense Offense Gravity Score and the prior criminal history Prior Record Score of the offender Information included at this site has been derived directly from the Pennsylvania Code the Commonwealth s official publication of rules and regulations and from the Pennsylvania Bulletin the Commonwealth s official gazette for information and rulemaking
Section 303 3 Offense Gravity Score General a An Offense Gravity Score is given for each offense The Offense Gravity Scores are located in 303 15 b Subcategorized offenses Under Pennsylvania Sentencing Guidelines every offense is assigned an Offense Gravity Score OGS The OGS is represented by a number and the more serious the offense is the higher the OGS For example the OGS for kidnapping is 10 while the OGS for disorderly conduct is 1
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Offense Gravity Score general a An Offense Gravity Score is assigned to each offense based on the elements of the conviction offense and the classification of the crime The Offense Gravity Scores are located in 303 15…
It is important to accurately calculate the offense gravity score Further the calculation of the correct offense gravity score may be subject to litigation If the Commonwealth alleges that a particular object was a deadly weapon but the object was not a gun or a knife it may be possible to argue that the object was not actually a deadly weapon

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Gravity Score Sheet Pa - Just as each charge has a corresponding Offense Gravity Score each conviction also has a corresponding Prior Record Score For example Possession with the Intent to Deliver adds two points towards a defendant s Prior Record Score