Iesa Cheerleading Score Sheet How Your School can Join the IESA Is your school a member Jackie Litwiller Assistant Executive Director Administrator for Cheerleading Email Game Day Cheer Game Day Cheer Routine 1A 2A 3A Scoreboard Page Game Day Cheer Cheerleading Feb 12 2025 Peoria Civic Center IESA PARTNERS SPONSORS Illinois Elementary School Association 1015
Rubric ranges are based on a majority of the team performing the skills If less than a majority of the team performs a skill the score range will be a 2 3 2024 ICCA Illinois Cheerleading Coaches Association All Rights Reserved Photos on this website are courtesy of Wagner Portrait Group
Iesa Cheerleading Score Sheet
Iesa Cheerleading Score Sheet
Tryout Numbers Printable
Score Sheet Printable
There are different score sheets for Cheerleading Teams and Group Partner Stunt as well as for the various Dance Categories Freestyle Team Hip Hop Team Jazz Team and Performance Cheer Doubles All score sheets are included in the download below Scoresheets templates 2022 Word Scoresheets templates 2022 PDF GAME DAY CHEER SCORING The ICCA Game Day Division Score Sheet will be used for these divisions The time limit is up to 1 minute 15 seconds and must include jumps tumbling and stunts pyramids No music is allowed The score sheet has 100 possible points Props will not be allowed to be placed before the team is announced These are the areas
The skills listed in this rubric are used as examples and are not a checklist the examples listed are not all inclusive Rubric ranges are based on a majority of the team performing the skills If less than a majority of the team performs a skill the score range will be a 2 3 United Scoring Varsity Spirit is proud to announce the development of the United Scoring Partners a group of nearly 60 brands and independent event producers dedicated to providing customers with one universal score sheet which results in a
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For IESA Cheer from 2001 through the 2016 competition each team received a score from each panel judge The scores were added together and any technical deductions were subtracted from the subtotal to give the final team score Competitive Cheerleading Scoresheet o Sectional School o S tae D ivson Official Name and ID Number COMPETITION CATEGORY TEAM SCORE COMMENTS
The Universal Cheerleaders Association outlines the rules and scoring that are present for each division from high school to college competitions All information regarding IHSA Competitive Cheerleading can be found at the link below On this site you can find items including the scoresheet rubric cheerleading timeline state series information and much more
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Printable Cheerleading Score Sheet Cheer Competition Tracke Inspire
How Your School can Join the IESA Is your school a member Jackie Litwiller Assistant Executive Director Administrator for Cheerleading Email Game Day Cheer Game Day Cheer Routine 1A 2A 3A Scoreboard Page Game Day Cheer Cheerleading Feb 12 2025 Peoria Civic Center IESA PARTNERS SPONSORS Illinois Elementary School Association 1015…
Rubric ranges are based on a majority of the team performing the skills If less than a majority of the team performs a skill the score range will be a 2 3

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Woodbridge High School Cheerleading Tryout Score Sheet Form Fill Out

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2015 IESA Cheer Large Team Routine Championship YouTube

Cheer Roster Template

IESA 2017 State Cheerleading Competition YouTube

IESA 2017 State Cheerleading Competition YouTube

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Printable Cheerleading Score Sheet Printable Word Searches
Iesa Cheerleading Score Sheet - United Scoring Varsity Spirit is proud to announce the development of the United Scoring Partners a group of nearly 60 brands and independent event producers dedicated to providing customers with one universal score sheet which results in a