Impact Symptom Score Sheet This section describes the symptoms and the level of endorsement of those symptoms by the individual The higher the level of reported symptoms the more likely it is that the reported symptoms interfere with the individual s performance
The ImPACT Version 4 Clinical Report allows for tracking recovery following an injury by using a comparison of multiple assessments and baseline scores The measure consists of 22 questions that relate to post concussive symptoms Survey takers are asked to rate each symptom according to a 7 point likert scale ranging from 0 6 Higher scores indicate a higher severity of post concussive symptoms The greatest possible score is 132 and the lowest possible score is 0
Impact Symptom Score Sheet
Impact Symptom Score Sheet
Symptom Score For Case 3 Ranging From The Fourth Day Prior To And To
Second Impact Syndrome Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Do these symptoms worsen with Physical Activity Yes No Not applicable Thinking Cognitive Activity Yes No Not applicable Over the past 2 days my daily activity level has been of normal If YES to any visual problems further qualify with the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey Created Date 1 22 2024 10 34 46 AM Use of the Post Concussion Symptom Scale The athlete should fill out the form on his or her own in order to give a subjective value for each symptom This form can be used with each encounter to track the athlete s progress towards the resolution of symptoms
ImPACT requires the subject to rate the severity of 22 concussive symptoms e g headache dizziness sensitivity to light etc via a 7 point Likert scale Use of the Post Concussion Symptom Scale The athlete should fill out the form on his or her own in give a subjective value for each symptom This form can be used with each encounter to track the athlete s progress towards the resolution of symptoms Many athletes may have some of
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Please rate your symptoms as you have felt over the past 2 3 days according to the scale below 0 6 by circling the ONE number that represents your status best Composite scores are a combination of performance on different parts of the test If they have 2 areas of highlighted reliable change then the person would be considered to still be performing cognitively poorer than prior to injury and is still recovering
The Rivermead Post Concussion Symptom Questionnaire RPQ is a self report scale to measure the severity of post concussive symptoms following a TBI The symptom section is designed to obtain information helpful in identifying whether the test taker is experiencing symptoms characteristic of a concussion
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This section describes the symptoms and the level of endorsement of those symptoms by the individual The higher the level of reported symptoms the more likely it is that the reported symptoms interfere with the individual s performance…
The ImPACT Version 4 Clinical Report allows for tracking recovery following an injury by using a comparison of multiple assessments and baseline scores

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Table 1 From Converting Positive And Negative Symptom Scores Between

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ImPACT Clinical Report Concussion Care Management

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Fillable Online Urinary Symptom Screener AUA Symptom Score Fax Email
Impact Symptom Score Sheet - Use of the Post Concussion Symptom Scale The athlete should fill out the form on his or her own in order to give a subjective value for each symptom This form can be used with each encounter to track the athlete s progress towards the resolution of symptoms