M9 Qualification Score Sheet

M9 Qualification Score Sheet STANDARDS Correctly clear and disassemble the M9 pistol matching the parts with the correct nomenclature labels within 30 seconds Correctly assemble and perform a functions check on the M9 pistol within 45 seconds

The qualification tables described in paragraphs A 2 and A 3 also apply for night and NBC qualification Both qualifications are based on a GO NO GO scoring system To receive a GO at night It provides guidance on the operation and marksmanship of the M9 9 mm pistol and the M11 9 mm pistol It reflects current Army standards in weapons qualification

M9 Qualification Score Sheet


M9 Qualification Score Sheet


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US Army Field Manual FM 3 23 35 FM 23 35 Combat Training with Pistols M9 and M11 2008 08 12 COMBAT TRAINING WITH PISTOLS M9 AND M11 CONTENTS PREFACE iii CHAPTER 1 COMPONENTS AND FUNCTIONING Section I Description and Components 1 1 1 1 Description 1 2 1 2 Components 1 3 1 3 Ammunition 1 4 Section II COMBAT PISTOL QUALIFICATION COURSE SCORECARD Author APD Subject DA FORM 88 R MAR 2007 Created Date 5 28 2014 3 41 42 PM

PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE HITS GO NO GO 1 Mag 7 Rds 1 Mag 5 Rds 13 TABLE VII NIGHT STANDING NO GO GO or NO GO GO 5 HITS GO or Table ll NO GO 5 Total Hits Scorer marks each hit with a X and each miss with an M He writes the totals for each in the Hits and Misses columns When the firer completes Tables I thru IV the scorer totals the columns and uses the scoring grid below The firer must achieve at least 24 hits to qualify

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Army Iwq Tables

It provides guidance on the operation and marksmanship of the M9 9 mm pistol and the M11 9 mm pistol It reflects current Army standards in weapons qualification It provides guidance on the operation and marksmanship of the M9 9 mm pistol and the M11 9 mm pistol It reflects current Army standards in weapons qualification It is a guide for the

Qualification standards are listed in the bottom right corner on the record firing side of the scorecard They are Expert 260 to 300 Sharpshooter 210 to 250 Marksman 160 to 200 Unqualified below 160 NBC and Night Firing is on a GO NO GO scoring system and recorded in the remarks column An alternate M9 pistol qualification course scorecard magazines an M9 pistol and hearing protections are waiting on a table for the next U S Soldier as the 650th Military Intelligence Group performs M9 pistol qualification at the Training Support Center Benelux 25 meter indoor range on Chi vres Air Base Belgium Nov 09 2017 U S Army


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STANDARDS Correctly clear and disassemble the M9 pistol matching the parts with the correct nomenclature labels within 30 seconds Correctly assemble and perform a functions check on the M9 pistol within 45 seconds

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FM 3 23 35 Appendix A Combat Pistol Qualification Course

The qualification tables described in paragraphs A 2 and A 3 also apply for night and NBC qualification Both qualifications are based on a GO NO GO scoring system To receive a GO at night


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M9 Qualification Score Sheet - Army basic marksmanship training consists of three phases Training to become a marksman lasts approximately 2 3 weeks and ends with qualification testing where you must pass with at least a