Working Hunter Score Sheet Working Hunter Score Sheet Score 90 100 An excdlent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style 80 89 A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excdlent performer that commits one or two minor faults 70 79 The average fair mover that makes no serious faults but
WORKING HUNTER SCORE SHEET Ju Date An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults
Working Hunter Score Sheet
Working Hunter Score Sheet
Hunter Leveling Sheet Inspired By Lane cruiser R classicwow
Deer Hunting Checklist Printable Printable Templates
A horse that avoids elimination but jumps in such an unsafe and dangerous manner as to preclude a higher score A total of three disobediences that can include any of the following refusal stop run out or extra circle Jumping an obstacle before it is reset Score SCORE 90 100 An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style 80 89 A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults 70 79 The average fair mover that makes no serious faults but lacks the style
BRITISH SHOW PONY SOCIETY WORKING HUNTER PONIES MARKING PHASE ONE Jumping 50 Style Manners while jumping 20 PHASE TWO Manners Way of Going 10 Conformation Type Freedom of Action 20 TOTAL 100 PENALTIES PHASE ONE Jumping Knock Down 10 First Refusal 15 Second Refusal 20 Scoring hunters is done by a numerical score from 0 to 100 This score must reflect the hunter s way of going manners and movement as well as jumping technique form and style or any faults mistakes or errors incurred while on the course
More picture related to Working Hunter Score Sheet
Festival Working Hunter Finals 2019 Horses classes 401 To 406
Dressage Tests Shows Online
TheHunter Hunter Score 2 0 Banner Do Perfil YouTube
WORKING HUNTER SCORE SHEET Number of Entries Date Judge An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults NSBA National Snaffle Bit Association purpose is to promote and improve Western Pleasure horses and Hunter Under Saddle horses Membership in horse show rules Pleasure horse stallions pleasure horses for sale and pleasure horse trainers and breeders
BSPS Mark Sheets Please click on the links provided below to download a copy of the relevant Mark Sheets thank you If you experience any difficulties downloading these please call us on 01487 831376 BSPS Heritage Open Lead Rein Open First Ridden Open Ridden Mark Sheet BSPS Heritage Working Hunter Pony Mark Sheet WORKING HUNTER SCORE SHEET Class Judge Number of Entries Date O Scoring 90 100 80 89 70 79 60 69 50 59 10 29 An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults
New Scoring System Coming TheHunter
Working Hunter Score Sheet Printable Pdf Download…
Working Hunter Score Sheet Score 90 100 An excdlent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style 80 89 A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excdlent performer that commits one or two minor faults 70 79 The average fair mover that makes no serious faults but…
WORKING HUNTER SCORE SHEET Ju Date An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults

Sample Judges Score Card

New Scoring System Coming TheHunter

Dragon Hunter Sheet Music For Viola

Fairmead Hunting Experience Score Cards

Dressage Tests Shows Online



Festival Working Hunter Finals 2019 Ponies classes 407 To 415

Dragonhunter Richard Meyer REMIX beta Sheet Music For Piano Violin

Printable Judges Score Sheet Template
Working Hunter Score Sheet - Score SCORE 90 100 An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style 80 89 A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults 70 79 The average fair mover that makes no serious faults but lacks the style