Mah Jongg Tournament Score Sheet

Mah Jongg Tournament Score Sheet SCORE SHEETS for your MAH JONGG TOURNAMENTS are available at http www mahjongg tournrules htm until the new www mahjonggmasterpoints website is up and running Remember tournament Hosts

Over the last 15 years Mah Jongg Madness has helped literally dozens and dozens of hosts create their tournaments Here are some hints to get you started on your own Decide if you want the event to be three hours four hours five or six hours a one day event or a weekend event at a hotel A handy excel sheet that lets you run tourneys from 8 64 players with ease Contains pairing shuffles that maximize player variety minimize bad schedules fairly determines starting winds and keeps people from playing repeatedly on the same table

Mah Jongg Tournament Score Sheet


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VERIFYING SCORES A EAST will verify C s WEST scores and initial their official computer score card or score sheet and vice versa B NORTH will verify D s Mahjong culture to improve the communication and development of the Competitive Mahjong Game and with the participation of Mahjong Organizations of countries all over the world we have edited and translated Mahjong Competition Rules

Upon arrival participants will be provided with a name tag pen and individual score sheet As part of the check in process players will be assigned a specific mah jongg table determined at random For each round consisting of 4 games you will be competing against various opponents placed randomly at a table SCORING 1 The player who makes MJ will sign the score sheet after each game West will sign for East and all wall games Each player is responsible for checking that score was given to their correct player number 2 All hands scored as designated on Official Mah Jongg card 3 Additional 10 Points if player picks own MJ 4

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Scoring chart including additions multiplications and limit hands plus payment multipliers Each player MUST keep a record of their own score on their personal sheet and be aware of their ID number POINTS Amount on card Player who makes Mah Jongg ex a 25 listed on the card equals 25 points PLUS 10 points Player who PICKS their own Mah Jongg

After four 4 games a round East brings scores to director s table If a question arises during play of hand call the director Director s ruling will be final The winner of each hand scores exactly the value on the card Add 15 points extra to score if player picks own Mah Jongg tile You will be given a score sheet when you check in for the tournament and the tables at which you will play will be indicated on the score sheet Do not take your score sheet into the lobby during breaks You may leave it on the table in the front of the room or if play at your next table is complete you can leave the score sheet there


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Mah Jong Score Sheets

Mahjong Simple Scoring Posasat
SCORE SHEETS For Your MAH JONGG Mah Jongg Master…
SCORE SHEETS for your MAH JONGG TOURNAMENTS are available at http www mahjongg tournrules htm until the new www mahjonggmasterpoints website is up and running Remember tournament Hosts

The Ultimate Guide To Mah Jongg Kveller
How To Run A Successful Tournament Where The Winds Blow
Over the last 15 years Mah Jongg Madness has helped literally dozens and dozens of hosts create their tournaments Here are some hints to get you started on your own Decide if you want the event to be three hours four hours five or six hours a one day event or a weekend event at a hotel


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Mah Jongg Tournament Score Sheet - Tournament rules are pretty simple Score points rather than coins or chips With points a winner s payment can come from thin air rather than from other players purses American When a winner makes a 25 point hand by another s discard that winner gets 25 points tallied up