Math Regents Score Sheet

Math Regents Score Sheet Schools are required to ensure that the raw scores have been added correctly and that the resulting scale score has been determined accurately Because scale scores corresponding to raw scores in the conversion chart change from one administration to another

Scale score should be entered in the box provided on the student s separate answer sheet The scale score is the student s final examination score The Regent s Examination in Algebra I is to be scored by committees of mathematics teachers No teacher is to score any of the responses written by own students

Math Regents Score Sheet


Math Regents Score Sheet


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Student s final score The chart above is usable only for this administration of the Regents Examination in Geometry Common Core When the teacher scoring committee completes the scoring process test scores must be considered final and must be entered onto students permanent records In addition each rater must sign the Examination

Schools are required to ensure that the raw scores have been added correctly and that the resulting scale score has been determined accurately Because scale scores corresponding to raw scores in the conversion chart change from one administration to another Regents Examination in Algebra II Please note You must use Adobe Acrobat Reader Professional X or higher to open the secure PDF files of scoring materials If you are using an earlier version of Adobe Acrobat Reader Professional you

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The Regents Excel file contains results for all students tested as well as results by student characteristics including disability status English Language Learner ELL status race ethnicity and gender Posting time for the scoring materials for the August 2024 Regents Examinations will be approximately 11 00 a m for morning examinations and approximately 3 00 p m for afternoon examinations All scoring keys and rating guides posted on the Department s website will be password protected

The Regent s Examination in Algebra II is to be scored by committees of mathematics teachers No teacher is to score any of the responses written by their own students Consider becoming a patron of NYS Mathematics Regents Preparation With With your support we can publish more material on our website and YouTube as well as expand our services into AP Calculus AB BC AP


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Schools are required to ensure that the raw scores have been added correctly and that the resulting scale score has been determined accurately Because scale scores corresponding to raw scores in the conversion chart change from one administration to another

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FOR TEACHERS ONLY NYS Mathematics Regents Preparation…
Scale score should be entered in the box provided on the student s separate answer sheet The scale score is the student s final examination score


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Math Regents Score Sheet - Regents Examination in Algebra II Please note You must use Adobe Acrobat Reader Professional X or higher to open the secure PDF files of scoring materials If you are using an earlier version of Adobe Acrobat Reader Professional you