Miss Black And Gold Score Sheet Judging Scoring Criteria The maximum score attainable by a contestant is 135 per judge Judges Interview 25 points maximum In a 10 minute interview with each contestant a panel of judges will look for perception a sense of values clarity of expression and concern ability in human relations and dress attire and appearance
Scoring Breakdown Important Documents Winners Staff APPLY Auditions Contact More Miss Black Gold Scholarship Pageant Official Applicant Agreement docx This document is to be completed and turned in at your schedule audition Talent and Biographical Sheet docx This document is to be completed and turned in at your scheduled Pageant Interview General MISS BLACK AND GOLD PAGEANT JUDGING AND SCORING RULES SCORING The maximum score attainable by a contestant is 135 per judge Competition and scoring by all pageants i e College District Regional amp National shall be as indicated in the following categories I JUDGES INTERVIEW 25 points
Miss Black And Gold Score Sheet
Miss Black And Gold Score Sheet
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2 Entrant agrees that the time manner and method of judging will be solely left up to the discretion of the Miss Black and Gold Pageant Committee and that the decision of the judges will be final 3 Entrant agrees that if she is selected as the winner of this pageant she will not sign a management contract with any individual or corporation Throughout the history of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated the Miss Black and Gold Pageant has become very near and dear to our hearts The pageant is an outgrowth of the long tradition of our Fraternity s designation of outstanding
Scoring in this category is based on the contestant s grooming appearance grace poise posture and carriage along with coordination and composure Also considered is the contestant s ability to articulate her wit intelligence imagination and her ability to think on her feet 2024 THEME Mission Impossible Men In Black CATEGORIES PANEL INTERVIEW Before pageant each contestant sits with judges ATTIRE Business ACADEMICS REQUIRED to provide official transcripts
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The first Miss Black and Gold Pageant was sponsored by the National Alpha Phi Alpha Convention in New York City in 1976 with our first Queen Miss Denise Smith being crowned at that event The pageant became a national program of Alpha and a staple at our conferences in 1982 making this year the 28th Annual National Competition under its Why do you want to be Miss Black and Gold 2021 It is my goal to inspire people throughout the country and in the city Philadelphia to speak out and protest against social issues affecting the particulary the gun violence epidemic
Reflecting on your experience participating in the Miss Black and Gold Scholarship pageant what lesson have you learned and what is its importance to you Scoring breakdown JUDGES INTERVIEW max 25 pts 10 min time limit 1 Clarity of Expression 1 5pts 2 Perception 1 5pts 3 Sense of Values 1 5pts
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Judging Scoring Criteria The maximum score attainable by a contestant is 135 per judge Judges Interview 25 points maximum In a 10 minute interview with each contestant a panel of judges will look for perception a sense of values clarity of expression and concern ability in human relations and dress attire and appearance

Scoring Breakdown Important Documents Winners Staff APPLY Auditions Contact More Miss Black Gold Scholarship Pageant Official Applicant Agreement docx This document is to be completed and turned in at your schedule audition Talent and Biographical Sheet docx This document is to be completed and turned in at your scheduled Pageant Interview General

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The NotebooKH Miss Black And Gold Scholarship Pageant
Miss Black And Gold Score Sheet - Scoring in this category is based on the contestant s grooming appearance grace poise posture and carriage along with coordination and composure Also considered is the contestant s ability to articulate her wit intelligence imagination and her ability to think on her feet