Modified Finnegan Score Sheet

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The Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System is the most commonly used scoring tool although the original tool has been modified frequently Below is a modified Finnegan NAS Scoring form developed by Jansson Velez and Harrow 3 and further modified by the Fletcher Allan Hospital of Vermont Several scoring systems are available for use however the most widely validated and commonly used is the Finnegan Scoring System Appendix 1 This 21 item scale a modified version of the original created in 1975 evaluates multiple signs related to NAS and helps to guide treatment initiation and dosing Scoring is to quantify the severity of

Modified Finnegan Score Sheet


Modified Finnegan Score Sheet


Modified Finnegan Scoring System


Managing Infants Born To Mothers Who Have Used Opioids During Pregnancy

Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System Modified Finnegan Scoring System A semi subjective scoring system List of 20 symptoms Symptoms often seen with drug exposed infants Score assigned for each symptom and associated degree of severity The total abstinence score is determined by totaling the score assigned to each symptom over Adapted from Finnegan LP In Nelson N editor Current therapy in neonatal perinatal medicine 2ed Ontario BC Decker 1990

Babies at risk of NAS should be referred for neonatal medical care after birth and assessed for NAS with the modified Finnegan neonatal abstinence scoring system MR 1820 Table 1 including women who have ceased use within 4 weeks of birth sedatives or stimulants This scale is used for the measurement of neonatal abstinence syndrome due to neonatal opioid withdrawal

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Improving Outcomes For Infants With NAS The Clinical Advisor


Neonatal Abstinence Score Scale


Download PDF Modified Finnegan Scoring

The FINNEGAN NEONATAL ABSTINENCE SCORE is for the assessment of infants exposed in utero to psychoactive drugs particularly opioids opiates Evaluator should check signs or symptoms observed at various time intervals and add the scores to obtain a total score The severity of NAS symptoms are scored using a NAS score chart a modified Finnegan Scoring System Consider a differential diagnosis as the symptoms of NAS may also be present in other neonatal illnesses e g hypoglycaemia or sepsis Appropriate investigations MUST be ordered for the clinical situation

The most commonly used tools to monitor drug withdrawal are the Finnegan and Modified Finnegan Scores Finnegan score has been validated only for term near term infants and opiate exposure However due to lack of any other methods the Finnegan s scale is often used to monitor both preterm and non opiate exposed infants Caution The Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System FNASS and its modified versions have long been considered the gold standard for NAS assessment It continues to be widely used among the pediatric community even though in 1998 the American Academy of Pediatrics AAP recommended the 11 item Lipitz scoring tool due to its ease of use FNASS


Modified Finnegan Scoring System


Inter Observer Reliability Of The Modified Finnegan Score In A

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome NAS NCPOEP
Modified Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Score NAS MDCalc
The Modified Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Score stratifies severity of opioid withdrawal in newborns

Modified Finnegan Scoring System
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome NAS NCPOEP…
The Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System is the most commonly used scoring tool although the original tool has been modified frequently Below is a modified Finnegan NAS Scoring form developed by Jansson Velez and Harrow 3 and further modified by the Fletcher Allan Hospital of Vermont


Table 1 From Pilot Study Comparing Modified Finnegan Scoring Versus


Modified Finnegan Scoring System


Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome NAS NCPOEP


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Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Chart


Modified Finnegan Scoring System


Modified Finnegan Scoring System


Figure 1 From Pilot Study Comparing Modified Finnegan Scoring Versus


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Modified Finnegan Score Sheet - Babies at risk of NAS should be referred for neonatal medical care after birth and assessed for NAS with the modified Finnegan neonatal abstinence scoring system MR 1820 Table 1 including women who have ceased use within 4 weeks of birth sedatives or stimulants