New Army Apft Score Sheet What has changed since ACFT 3 0 The Army will implement a revised ACFT starting on April 1 2022 that will include several differences based on 630 000 sample ACFT test scores the RAND
The APFT Standards scale used by the Army to determine a soldier s physical fitness At least 60 points per event are required in the Army Updated every year to ensure the APFT charts are accurate and up to date See what you are required to score based on your age and gender Use the Male 2 Mile Run Standards For 2024 scoresheet below to get your score or to see how fast you need to run your 2 Miles to get a 100 score in this running APFT standards To learn the APFT rules and standards for performing a proper 2 Mile Run see our Army PT Test page
New Army Apft Score Sheet
New Army Apft Score Sheet
Army Combat Fitness Readiness Test Complaints Firearm User Network
Army Regulation Apft Score Chart
All soldiers are required to pass the new ACFT which replaced the Army Physical Fitness Test in October 2020 Active duty soldiers began ACFT record testing under the new structure in October 2022 while National Guard and reserve members began in October 2023 The revised ACFT will utilize scoring scales that are age and gender normed similar to the APFT The Army designed the new scoring scales from nearly 630 000 ACFT performance scores historical
The new ACFT score sheet outlines the scores of each ACFT test event based on the time taken distance covered number of repetitions or weight lifted and the scores are combined to determine the overall Army Combat Fitness Test score which is recorded in the ACFT scorecard Title Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard Author APD Subject DA FORM 705 AUG 2021 Created Date 9 15 2021 10 10 39 AM
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Apft Score Chart Amulette
Fill Free Fillable Apft standards Army Physical Fitness Test
Acft Standards 2024 Reeva Celestyn
APFT Scoring Scoring on the APFT is based on gender age category number of repetitions performed of the push up and sit up and run time Army APFT Standards are found on our website or in the Army Training Circular 3 22 20 and Department of the Army Form 705 Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard The score for each APFT event ranges from 0 The Army Combat Fitness Test ACFT assesses a Soldier s combat fitness capability Fitness test standards are adjusted for age and gender For additional information see the System of Records Notice 0005 Defense Training Records https www federalregister gov documents 2020 12 28 2020 26548 privacy act of 1974 system
You must score at least a 50 in each event in order to pass the APFT to graduate Basic Combat Training PUSH UP STANDARDS AGE GROUP 17 21 22 26 27 31 32 36 37 41 Repetitions M F M F M F M F M F 77 100 76 99 75 100 98 100 74 99 97 99 73 98 96 98 100 Pu raw score initials points su raw score initials points 2mr raw score initials points alternate aerobic event go no go total points ncoic oic signature comments body composition event time lbs go no go grade test four weight date age height in inches body fat go no go pu raw score initials points su raw score initials
Army Physical Fitness Standards
Fill Free Fillable Apft Standards Army Physical Fitness Test Free
What has changed since ACFT 3 0 The Army will implement a revised ACFT starting on April 1 2022 that will include several differences based on 630 000 sample ACFT test scores the RAND
The APFT Standards scale used by the Army to determine a soldier s physical fitness At least 60 points per event are required in the Army Updated every year to ensure the APFT charts are accurate and up to date See what you are required to score based on your age and gender

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DA Form 705 Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard Forms Docs 2023
New Army Apft Score Sheet - The revised ACFT will utilize scoring scales that are age and gender normed similar to the APFT The Army designed the new scoring scales from nearly 630 000 ACFT performance scores historical