Nrha Freestyle Reining Score Sheet MANEUVER SCORES 1 1 2 Extremely Poor 1 Very Poor 1 2 Poor 0 Correct 1 2 Good 1 Very Good 1 1 2 Excellent MANEUVER DESCRIPTION
Score sheets specifically designed for the Freestyle Transitional maneuvers and other maneuvers not specified as reining ma neuvers will be evaluated and scored accordingly in a specified box and counted as a single maneuver score If an artistic im pression judge is used they must use the score sheet provided by NRHA and are encouraged to Patterns and Score Sheets Below find valuable information and documents for Judges and Stewards alike Looking for forms charts Notebook chapters or Steward information
Nrha Freestyle Reining Score Sheet
Nrha Freestyle Reining Score Sheet
SlidinGuide NRHA Reining Pattern Cards Slidin Guide
Score Sheets Reining Spha
NRHA JUDGES SCORE CARD Judge Event Date Class Pattern Educational Materials NRHA Maneuver Standards This is a must see for any rider or trainer competing in reining NRHA Maneuver Standards will help you assess and understand what the judges are looking for when marking their cards All maneuvers are featured on this downloadable video with examples of 1 1 2 to 1 1 2 maneuvers shown
The scoring of reining horses is on a positive numeric scale with 70 denoting a correct performance NRHA patterns are comprised of several distinct maneuver groups which judges are asked to evaluate on an individual basis depending on execution as dictated by the pattern description and the rules for judging The reining maneuvers to music Props are permitted but should not hinder the judges view of the horse Failure to perform all the required maneuvers or failure to complete the performance within the time limit will result in a score of 0 Scoring The NRHA Freestyle Score sheet will be used In addition to the score for the required
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NRHA Handbook To view the current NRHA Corporate Record Book which includes policies and Board Resolutions login to ReinerSuite 2024 NRHA Handbook NRHA Patterns NRHA Handbook App for iOS SCORING PATTERN The scoring of reining horses is on a positive numeric scale with 70 denoting a correct performance NRHA pat terns are comprised of several distinct maneuver groups which judges are asked to evaluate on an individual basis depending on execution as dictated by the pattern de scription and the rules for judging The
The NRHA Handbook specifies the rules under which all NRHA Reinings will be conducted and the rules by which reining horses will be judged The following is intended as a guideline for the application of the rules for the judging as spec ified in the NRHA Handbook 1 It is legal to show in a horse hair bosal as long as the diameter is no longer than 3 4 of an inch 2 4 inches is the maximum port height allowed on a curb bit 3 In a freestyle reining if a require maneuver is not perform the judge should lower the score for the entire run 4
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MANEUVER SCORES 1 1 2 Extremely Poor 1 Very Poor 1 2 Poor 0 Correct 1 2 Good 1 Very Good 1 1 2 Excellent MANEUVER DESCRIPTION…
Score sheets specifically designed for the Freestyle Transitional maneuvers and other maneuvers not specified as reining ma neuvers will be evaluated and scored accordingly in a specified box and counted as a single maneuver score If an artistic im pression judge is used they must use the score sheet provided by NRHA and are encouraged to

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20 000 Invitational Freestyle Reining Will Be Held At The 2023 6666

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Nrha Freestyle Reining Score Sheet - Educational Materials NRHA Maneuver Standards This is a must see for any rider or trainer competing in reining NRHA Maneuver Standards will help you assess and understand what the judges are looking for when marking their cards All maneuvers are featured on this downloadable video with examples of 1 1 2 to 1 1 2 maneuvers shown