Nrotc Afa Score Sheet You are about to take the Naval ROTC Applicant Fitness Assessment The results of this test will be used in the NROTC scholarship application process by demonstrating your level of physical fitness You may cease work when you have scored the maximum for any individual event Otherwise do your best on each event You have
If you are nominated for an NROTC Scholarship the information will be released to the top five schools you indicated on your application Your information and notification of status may also You are about to take the PNP Applicant Fitness Assessment The results of this test will be used in the PNP scholarship application process by demonstrating your level of physical fitness You may cease work when you have scored the maximum for any individual event Otherwise do your best on each event
Nrotc Afa Score Sheet
Nrotc Afa Score Sheet
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Used in the NROTC application process by demonstrating your level of physical fitness Do your best on each event You have 25 minutes to complete the entire test After you complete the scorer each event will record your score and the time the event was tested If at any time you cannot continue to meet the The NROTC Applicant Fitness Assessment AFA is the test of record for the scholarship Events in the NROTC Applicant Fitness Assessment The Navy ROTC AFA is made up of these three events Timed plank Two minutes of timed push ups A 1 mile run Note The Navy eliminated crunches as an option for candidates to utilize instead of the plank
Below are some useful forms for prospective NROTC midshipmen Copyright 2024 Rutgers The State University of New Jersey an equal access equal opportunity affirmative action institution All rights reserved You are about to take the Naval ROTC Applicant Fitness Assessment The results of this test will be used in the NROTC scholarship application process by demonstrating your level of physical fitness You may cease work when you have scored the maximum for any individual event Otherwise do your best on each event
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Results of each event will be recorded on the AFA score sheet the score sheet will be given to the recruiter for inclusion in the application package On test day the applicant should be encouraged to spend 20 30 minutes in active warm up and stretching prior to beginning the test Results of each event will be recorded on the AFA score sheet the score sheet will be given to the recruiter for inclusion in the application package On test day the applicant should be
I am unsure with what is considered a competitive score since there are no official NROTC score sheet guides or average scores available to compare to The test consisted of a 2 minute push up 75 max timed plank up to 3 25 males and 5 20 mile for max points male I scored 60 push ups 2 02 plank and 5 53 mile I am most disappointed in Results of each event will be recorded on the AFA score sheet the score sheet will be given to the recruiter for inclusion in the application package On test day the applicant should be encouraged to spend 20 30 minutes in active warm up and stretching prior to beginning the test
Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Nrotc Midshipmen Compete Hi res
You are about to take the Naval ROTC Applicant Fitness Assessment The results of this test will be used in the NROTC scholarship application process by demonstrating your level of physical fitness You may cease work when you have scored the maximum for any individual event Otherwise do your best on each event You have…
If you are nominated for an NROTC Scholarship the information will be released to the top five schools you indicated on your application Your information and notification of status may also

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Fillable Online The NROTC Applicant Fitness Assessment AFA Is A
Nrotc Afa Score Sheet - You are about to take the Naval ROTC Applicant Fitness Assessment The results of this test will be used in the NROTC scholarship application process by demonstrating your level of physical fitness You may cease work when you have scored the maximum for any individual event Otherwise do your best on each event