Salient Factor Score Sheet The Salient Factor Score SFS was created in the 1970s by the U S Parole Commission as a way of estimating an inmate s likelihood of recidivating following his her release from prison Hoffman 1994
The actuarial device salient factor score presently used by the United States Board of Parole as a decision making aid in assessing parole prognosis was adopted in October 1973 Containing nine items scoring to eleven points Appendix I this device was developed from a cohort sample In its 1970s effort to structure discretion and equalize decision making with a quantified instrument the U S Parole Commission developed a recidivism prediction measure called the Salient Factor Score SFS
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Examples of government use of criminality prediction instruments include the Salient Factor Score of the U S Parole Commission the Risk Prediction Index RPI of the Administrative Office of the U S Courts or the Offender Group Reconviction Scale OGRS in the United Kingdom described in Copas and Marshall 1998 Hoffman and Beck 1974 Paroles Board used Salient and Significant Factor Score Sheets when making parole decisions In 1983 the Board adopted the incarceration PABLO Scale to aid members in applying similar criteria to parole decisions In 1985 the Legislature mandated that the Board incorporate Parole Guidelines with minimum
While the new guidelines criminal history measure combined elements of the preexisting Salient Factor Score and the Proposed Inslaw Scale it also added elements aimed at achieving philosophical and practical concerns specific to sentencing federal defendants An actuarial device termed a salient factor score the subject of this paper is used by the Commission as an aid in making parole prognosis assessments Decision makers retain the authority to override the actuarial device in a particular case by making a decision outside the guidelines As noted however specific written reasons
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The scoring from the Salient Factor Score allows for classification of offenders and is useful in reducing disparity in parole decision making However it does not provide guidance for supervision levels treatment needs or case programming Conclusion The CTSFS99 is a valid but limited measure of offender risk for re arrest and or The device in question is the salient factor score an index of the likelihood that a parole applicant will commit a new offense or violate parole the score takes into account such factors as the offender s past involvement with the criminal justice system history of drug abuse education and employment history and release plans a sample of
The salient factor score is an actuarial device used by the United States Parole Commission as an aid in assessing a federal prisoner s likelihood of recidivism after release This device was originally constructed and validated on random samples of released federal prisoners using a two year follow up period of each case with recidivism SFS 81 the version of the Salient Factor Score used since 1981 contains six items and produces a score with a range of zero 0 to ten 10 points The higher the Salient Factor Score the lower is the predicted probability of recidivism
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The Salient Factor Score SFS was created in the 1970s by the U S Parole Commission as a way of estimating an inmate s likelihood of recidivating following his her release from prison Hoffman 1994…
The actuarial device salient factor score presently used by the United States Board of Parole as a decision making aid in assessing parole prognosis was adopted in October 1973 Containing nine items scoring to eleven points Appendix I this device was developed from a cohort sample

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