Sci Red Stag Score Sheet

Sci Red Stag Score Sheet Master Measurer using the SCI measuring system and whose scores meet the current minimum standards are eligible for the Record Book and for Medallions for

It is recommended that each tine get labeled exactly like the score sheet so that the measurer can measure each tine and then indicate that measurement on the corresponding line of the score sheet Photos of the SCI score brackets that we have at Leithen Valley This is to give you a bit of an idea of the score bracket and what the stag could look like in SCI inches when you hunt with us at Leithen

Sci Red Stag Score Sheet


Sci Red Stag Score Sheet


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts

Methods of trophy scoring for red stag in New Zealand The two predominant scoring methods are the SCI system used mostly by tourists on guided hunting trips and the Douglas Score which is used by New Zealanders Complete and official hunting trophy records scores pictures and species information for over 100 big game animals from the world s leading hunting conservation group Safari Club International

Scoring Sheet Red Stag and Wapiti Owner Right Left Side Side Stags Number Broadband Main Beam 39 4 8 42 T1 19 18 Age T2 19 21 4 8 Number of T3 19 21 4 8 Points T4 17 6 4 8 T5 21 15 T6 7 8 4 8 T7 14 16 Measurer T8 3 4 8 5 Signed T9 10 4 8 16 4 8 Measurer Duncan The Scottish Red Deer indigenous currently has 105 Entries listed in the SCI Record Book Once you subscribe you ll be able to access photos and full socre sheets for all of these entries Plus you can filter sort and search through all species and entries in the SCI database

More picture related to Sci Red Stag Score Sheet


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Hunting Red Stag In The Roar In New Zealand Part 69 Over 412 SCI Score

The Douglas Score is a system for measuring and evaluating antlers horns and tusks of New Zealand big game animals by symmetrical size The system was devised by the late Norman Douglas who first used it at the Waikato Branch of NZDA on the 25th of June 1949 for judging their trophy entries Looking at the score sheets certainly demonstrates the differences It looks like SCI measures mass size by measuring every last tine while CIC leans toward weight factor 2x etc

We will have trained SCI Measurers at our December 7th event that you can watch score the antlers Tools you will need SCI Typical official scoring sheet SCI Non Typical official scoring sheet Yard stick or folding carpenter s ruler Wire cable for measuring along curves Free range red stag from New Zealand Safari Club International scoring and Douglas scoring I am not a qualified measurer in either I am just demonstrating


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts

Red Stag SCI Vs CIC AfricaHunting
Offi Cial Measurer s Manual Safari Club…
Master Measurer using the SCI measuring system and whose scores meet the current minimum standards are eligible for the Record Book and for Medallions for

Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts
SCI Complex Measuring Supplemental Instructions For Red…
It is recommended that each tine get labeled exactly like the score sheet so that the measurer can measure each tine and then indicate that measurement on the corresponding line of the score sheet


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


World Record Red Stag Taken In France 2017 Who Can Guess The CIC Score


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts


Red Stag SCI Scores Leithen Valley Hunts

Sci Red Stag Score Sheet - Complete and official hunting trophy records scores pictures and species information for over 100 big game animals from the world s leading hunting conservation group Safari Club International