Score Sheet For Yoga Competition Yoga Scoring System YSS is a web based software released in September 2019 which can be implemented at any Yoga competition championship The software provides an on screen judgment system by which the participant guardians coaches and all audiences can view the marks obtained in each asana performed by participants The judges use their
Referees will award out of 30 marks to each competitor pair competitors in Artistic Yogasana Artistic Pair Yogasana Rhythmic Yogasana and Free Flow Yogasana Dance competition Asian Yoga Sports Championship From Date to at Age Group Junior Senior Male Female Event Artistic Yogasana Competition Artistic Pair Yogasana Competition Rhythmic Yogasana Competition SCORE SHEET Sr No Name of Competitor Country Time Duration 5 Marks 8 10
Score Sheet For Yoga Competition
Score Sheet For Yoga Competition
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Competition Asian Rhythmic Yoga Competition 1 Referee s Panel The Referee s Panel will consist of four qualified referees assisted by one scorer and one time keeper for each competition nominated by Secretary General Asian Yoga Federation 2 Judgment Criteria i The efficiency of the Yogasana in the Asian Yogasana Competition will be Yoga Competition and free flow Yoga Dance as per detail given below Gold Medal 5 marks Silver Medal 3 marks Bronze Medal 1 mark Over All General Champion The State Team scoring highest aggregate marks will be declared over all General Champion
We have been working on this project for more than one year and the time has come to introduce you with the all new system called Yoga Scoring System YSS WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF USING IT i Competition becomes super easy ii Transparent system iii Paperless system and is very convenient iv The competition becomes of less duration Event Artistic Yogasana Competition Artistic Pair Yogasana Competition Rhythmic Yogasana Competition SCORE SHEET S Name of Competitor State Time 8 10 Choice of Synchroni Perfor Total No Duration Asanas Asanas zation mance Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 10 Marks 30 Marks Name of Referee Name of the State Signature
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National Yoga Competition YouTube
NATIONAL YOGA FEDERATION OF INDIA Affiliated Member INTERNATIONAL YOGA COMMITTEE IYC ASIAN YOGA COMMITTEE AYC HEAD OFFICE Unit No Office 512 Parsvnath Planet Plaza TCG 8 8 9 9 Vibhuti Khand Gomti Nagar Lucknow 226010 U P INDIA e mail info nyfi in Website www nyfi in From Date to at Scoring A competitor will be awarded a maximum of 60 points and each asanawill be judged out of 10 points Detailed distribution of the points to be awarded by the judges is as under
It provides details of 10 yoga poses asanas that competitors in the Sub Junior Group A ages 8 11 years old must perform along with the criteria for proper form of each asana Examples include Trikonasana Padahastasana Sasangasana and poses involving balance strength and Best 16 individual Players according to their Merit Score will be selected for Individual final competition
Printable Decorating Contest Score Sheet Printable Word Searches
Yoga Scoring System YSS is a web based software released in September 2019 which can be implemented at any Yoga competition championship The software provides an on screen judgment system by which the participant guardians coaches and all audiences can view the marks obtained in each asana performed by participants The judges use their…
Referees will award out of 30 marks to each competitor pair competitors in Artistic Yogasana Artistic Pair Yogasana Rhythmic Yogasana and Free Flow Yogasana Dance competition

Yoga Competition State Level YouTube

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Printable Cheerleading Score Sheet Cheer Competition Tracke Inspire

Singing Competition Scoring Criteria Excel Template And Google Sheets

Singing Competition Scoring Criteria Excel Template And Google Sheets

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Artistic Yoga Performance International Yoga Championship YouTube
Score Sheet For Yoga Competition - YOGA OLYMPIAD IN SCHOOLS Guidelines 1 Introduction National Curriculum Framework 2005 NCF 2005 highlighted yoga as an essential component which contribute to the physical social emotional and mental development of a child Yoga has been integrated as an essential component of Health and Physical Education NCERT has already