Spiritual Gift Assessment Score Sheet

Spiritual Gift Assessment Score Sheet After filling in your scores refer to pages 12 14 and transfer the names of the spiritual gifts to their corresponding rows in the Wagner Modified Houts Chart on page 12 Complete the exercises on page 15 to gain a tentative evaluation of where your gifts may lie and to explore the implications for your ministry in the body of Christ

Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire This inventory contains 125 questions and will take 20 45 minutes to complete so please allow adequate time to answer all questions before beginning 1 Pray Ask God to guide you with a clear mind and an open heart Ask God to help you be honest with yourself and Him through this exercise Remember that this is a SPIRITUAL GIFTS ASSESSMENT OR SURVEY Instructions This inventory contains 125 QUESTIONS and will take 20 45 minutes to complete so please allow adequate time to answer all questions before beginning 1 Pray Ask God to guide you with a clear mind and an open heart Ask God to help you be honest with yourself and Him through this exercise

Spiritual Gift Assessment Score Sheet


Spiritual Gift Assessment Score Sheet


Printable Spiritual Gifts Test Online Free


Spiritual Gifts Survey Nashville First

When you have added up your scores in each column putting each total in the empty boxes right above the letters then you can go to the Gifts Assessment Record sheet to match the letters to spiritual gifts and learn your results Welcome to the beginning of an exciting adventure in discovering and using your spiritual gifts The following 76 statements on pages 3 4 5 and 6 have been designed to help you assess nineteen areas of spiritual giftedness which are identified in the Bible and consistently appear in each church body

Identify your God given spiritual gifts with the FREE spiritual gifts assessment and spiritual gifts test from Team Ministry and ChurchGrowth Spiritual gifts are special abilities given to believers by God to bring glory to His name empower us to serve the body of Christ and grow His kingdom The following assessment is designed to help you identify your gifts although it is not considered absolute

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Spiritual Gifts Test Printable


Spiritual Gifts Survey Nashville First


Spiritual Gifts Test Free Printable

In the follow pages you will find a means to discover your own spiritual gifts The methodology is simple yet amazingly accurate Simply answer the questions as presented and place your numeric answers on the accompanying score sheet People express appreciation for the spiritual help they receive through friendship with me I can easily see the hidden reasons behind the statements and actions of other people People compliment me on my ability to play a musical instrument or sing People often want to come and visit in my home

Respond to each statement on the Spiritual Gift Assessment presented on the pages that follow Use the following scale to record how frequently each statement is true of you Using the scale above write your numerical response to each statement in the space provided next to each item Not every statement fits comfortably with the 7 1 scoring this is by design to generate greater differentiation All statements reflect specific reference to the New Testament and the understanding of spiritual gifts in the early church of the first three centuries following the resurrection of Jesus Christ translated to our modern day context


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After filling in your scores refer to pages 12 14 and transfer the names of the spiritual gifts to their corresponding rows in the Wagner Modified Houts Chart on page 12 Complete the exercises on page 15 to gain a tentative evaluation of where your gifts may lie and to explore the implications for your ministry in the body of Christ

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Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire This inventory contains 125 questions and will take 20 45 minutes to complete so please allow adequate time to answer all questions before beginning 1 Pray Ask God to guide you with a clear mind and an open heart Ask God to help you be honest with yourself and Him through this exercise Remember that this is a


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Free Printable Spiritual Gifts Test

Spiritual Gift Assessment Score Sheet - Welcome to the beginning of an exciting adventure in discovering and using your spiritual gifts The following 76 statements on pages 3 4 5 and 6 have been designed to help you assess nineteen areas of spiritual giftedness which are identified in the Bible and consistently appear in each church body