Typical Mule Deer Score Sheet To be counted a point the projection must be at least one inch long with the length exceeding width at one inch or more of length All points measured from tip of point to nearest edge of beam as illustrated in Figure A Beam tip is counted as a point but not measured as a point
Each score chart includes measuring instructions We prefer that Official Measurer download the charts and print them but we do have printed charts available Please send a detailed email to the Records Department to place your order or call B C Headquarters at 406 542 1888 Boone and Crockett score sheets are used to measure and record data from trophy big game animals like deer elk and bears The templates provide a standardized format for quantifying attributes like antler size and symmetry This allows different trophies to
Typical Mule Deer Score Sheet
Typical Mule Deer Score Sheet
Download B C Score Chart PDFs Boone And Crockett Club
How To Score A Mule Deer Boone And Crockett Hoback Buck Jackson
From a structural standpoint typical mule deer and blacktails are actually the easiest of all the deer to measure as there can be no more than five specific normal points per antler including the brow point G 1 and the main beam tip Figure 8 A All other measurable points are abnormal points and so entered on the score chart All measurements must be made with a 1 4 inch wide flexible steel tape to the nearest one eighth of an inch Note A flexible steel cable can be used to measure points and main beams only
TYPICAL MULE DEER minimum score 175 B C 180 190 P Y 145 LS 146 Hunter Information Age if applicable SASKATCHEWAN WILDLIFE FEDERATION Final Score HENRY KELSEY BIG GAME RECORDS Animal taken with Entry Fee H 2 Circumference at Smallest Place Between First and Second Points Spread Credit Exact Locality Where Killed Nearest To do this study carefully the markings G 1 G 2 G 3 and G 4 on the diagram which indicate the normal points On the trophy to be scored select the points which most closely correspond to these All others over one inch in length See A above are considered abnormal
More picture related to Typical Mule Deer Score Sheet
Scoring Boone Crockett Deer Whitetail Deer Hunting Deer Hunting
130 Classe Whitetail Archives IMurcia
Hoback Buck Jackson Hole Historical Society Museum
Circumference at Smallest Place Between Third and Fourth Points The easiest way to calculate the score of your trophy Whitetail Mule Deer Elk Bear and more Enter the measurements and get the score automatically
Learn to score and record any your typical mule deer or blacktail on an official Boone and Crockett Club score chart Instructions are on the back Charts are available for sale to the general public for green scoring purposes only Opt to print out a PDF of the scoring sheet or click directly on the link that reads Typical Mule Deer Blacktail Request a score sheet from the Fish Wildlife and Parks if you have a mule deer tag in your area Arrange two ways of measuring You can use a inch steel measuring tape for the straight measurements
Mule Deer Score Sheet Printable
Download B C Score Chart PDFs Boone And Crockett Club

To be counted a point the projection must be at least one inch long with the length exceeding width at one inch or more of length All points measured from tip of point to nearest edge of beam as illustrated in Figure A Beam tip is counted as a point but not measured as a point

Each score chart includes measuring instructions We prefer that Official Measurer download the charts and print them but we do have printed charts available Please send a detailed email to the Records Department to place your order or call B C Headquarters at 406 542 1888

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Mule Deer Score Sheet Printable

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Whitetail Deer Score Sheet Printable

Boone And Crocket Scoring Sheets A Wide World Of Hunting Deerdope
Typical Mule Deer Score Sheet - For a typical whitetail meaning the antlers are symmetrical the minimum score is 125 inches A non typical whitetail must have a minimum score of 155 inches for entry A typical mule deer has to tape out at 145 inches or greater while a non typical muley is