Uscf Approved Electronic Score Sheet On February 2 2020 the US Chess Executive Board approved a new policy for the certification of certain electronic devices e g scoresheets and game broadcasting systems The new policy is broader than its predecessor and
This policy covers any electronic device that can be used by a player spectator or tournament official to record chess moves at the board during a game in progress e g an electronic scoresheet notation device or to Monroi was one of the original chess recording devices which is allowed for use in all USCF and FIDE tournaments but it carried a huge price tag of 359 Way to much in my opinion There use to be a smaller device also approved for use called Plycounter that was roughly 175 but sadly the company is no longer as of early 2019 The newest device
Uscf Approved Electronic Score Sheet
Uscf Approved Electronic Score Sheet
After The Match
USCF Rating Estimator Calculate FIDE CFC And Chess Ratings
The World s Only USCF FIDE and ECU Certified Electronic Chess Notation Device No more lost or illegible paper score sheets MonRoi provides pure enjoyment of the game to chess players without the headaches As long as the Devices electronic score sheets are comparatively rare as an example because of the 359 expense of a Mon Roi there should be will be no problem However With the advent of the North American Chess Association s USCF approved program eNotate at a current price of 15 changing to 25 on July 1 it is
I need some advice on how electronic scoresheets are supposed to be operated I know the only USCF approved devices are MonRoi and eNotate on a PDA I know rules 15 and 43 But I don t have any personal experience with t MonRoi is one of five electronic scorekeeping devices that are approved for use during USCF rated games 2 The other four are the DGT Electronic Chessboard the eNotate computer program running on a Windows Mobile PDA Plycounter and ChessNoteR which uses the Android operating system and repurposes a Motorola Nexus 6 device to
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Effective immediately the US Chess Federation US Chess announces that the eNotate chess software used by some players to record chess notation on an Axim X51 Dell X51 and other compatible Pocket PCs or PDAs has been removed from US Chess list of certified means of electronic notation For the curious the FIDE requirements for electronic score sheets are in this document 1 The USCF certification requirements are here 2 This also includes a list of USCF certified electronic scoresheets
1 The only electronic scoresheets approved for USCF rated play are the MonRoi DGT electronic board and eNotate Certain configuration limitations apply for these See this link for more information 2 You can t use an iPhone or any other Internet capable device as an electronic scoresheet The International Chess Federation has approved allowing the use of Clono electronic scoresheet to record the moves of the games at official chess competitions in replacement of traditional paper based scoresheets
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On February 2 2020 the US Chess Executive Board approved a new policy for the certification of certain electronic devices e g scoresheets and game broadcasting systems The new policy is broader than its predecessor and…
This policy covers any electronic device that can be used by a player spectator or tournament official to record chess moves at the board during a game in progress e g an electronic scoresheet notation device or to

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Uscf Approved Electronic Score Sheet - MonRoi is one of five electronic scorekeeping devices that are approved for use during USCF rated games 2 The other four are the DGT Electronic Chessboard the eNotate computer program running on a Windows Mobile PDA Plycounter and ChessNoteR which uses the Android operating system and repurposes a Motorola Nexus 6 device to