Usmma Cfa Score Sheet

Usmma Cfa Score Sheet Information on the Candidate Fitness Assessment is available at https www usmma edu admissions United States Merchant Marine Academy Candidate Fitness Assessment Score Sheet

Your official CFA scores must be submitted directly to the Academy through the online form received by your designated point of contact Instructions for administering the CFA can be accessed here Candidate Fitness Assessment Instructions The score sheet used to record the CFA results can be accessed here Fitness Assessment Score Satisfactory completion of the Candidate Fitness Assessment CFA is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military Academy USMA The CFA is a test of strength agility power balance speed and endurance

Usmma Cfa Score Sheet


Usmma Cfa Score Sheet


Candidate Fitness Assessment Instructions


IMG 6625 USMMA Vs WESTCONN Colleen Mars Flickr

Satisfactory completion of the Candidate Fitness Assessment CFA is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military Air Force Naval and Merchant Marine academies The CFA is a test of strength agility speed and endurance It is used to predict a candidate s aptitude for the physical program at the service academies The Candidate Fitness Assessment CFA is a physical test of strength agility power balance speed and endurance It is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military Academy USMA at West Point It includes six timed components

CFA Score Sheet 2023 UCAS pdf 73 2 KB DOT is committed to ensuring that information is available in appropriate alternative formats to meet the requirements of persons who have a disability If you require an alternative version of files provided on this page please contact admissions usmma edu The Candidate Fitness Assessment CFA for the United States Merchant Marine Academy USMMA is a critical component of your application and includes six different physical and agility events basketball throw pull ups flexed arm hang shuttle run sit ups push ups and a one mile run Each event tests a unique physical skill endurance level

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Score Sheet CFA PDF Author rioss Created Date 5 22 2006 2 29 14 PM At the moment I m imagining the average scores on the CFA instruction sheet are dragged up significantly by the 12 000 cadets and midshipmen at USMA USNA and USAFA of whom 90 are varsity athletes I am a varsity athlete myself but in shooting so it s not been a blessing for fitness

Satisfactory completion of the Candidate Fitness Assessment CFA is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military Academy USMA The CFA is a test of strength agility power balance speed and endurance Also as you ve stated you are a West Point Candidate you can ask West Point Admissions to forward your scores to the USMMA as opposed to sending your scores twice I passed my first CFA for the USMMA


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Score Sheet CFA United States Merchant Marine Academy…
Information on the Candidate Fitness Assessment is available at https www usmma edu admissions United States Merchant Marine Academy Candidate Fitness Assessment Score Sheet

Candidate Fitness Assessment Instructions
How To Submit CFA Academic Info Evaluation Etc…
Your official CFA scores must be submitted directly to the Academy through the online form received by your designated point of contact Instructions for administering the CFA can be accessed here Candidate Fitness Assessment Instructions The score sheet used to record the CFA results can be accessed here Fitness Assessment Score


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Usmma Cfa Score Sheet - The Candidate Fitness Assessment CFA for the United States Merchant Marine Academy USMMA is a critical component of your application and includes six different physical and agility events basketball throw pull ups flexed arm hang shuttle run sit ups push ups and a one mile run Each event tests a unique physical skill endurance level