Vrs So Score Sheet The VRS SO is a 24 item assessment derived from the original Violence Risk Scale VRS The VRS SO is designed to assess risk of sexual recidivism in forensic populations The tool is designed to measure change in the level of risk before and after treatment intervention The VRS SO scores are used to inform case conceptualisation and
It is designed to a assess risk of sexual violence b identify targets for sex offender treatment intervention c assess readiness for change and d evaluate changes in risk from treatment or other change agents The VRS SO Violence Risk Scale Sexual Offender Version R Dynamic factors Sexual deviancy Criminality Treatment responsivity Scores yielded static dynamic pre dynamic post total pre total post pre and post factor scores and change scores Risk categories High Medium High Medium Low Low The Study
Vrs So Score Sheet
Vrs So Score Sheet
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Table 1 From Evaluating The Inter rater Reliability Of The Violence
An online VRS SO Excel calculator can generate logistic regression based estimates based on combinations of risk and change scores Olver Mundt et al 2018 This amount of change coupled with his initial baseline score is associated with an estimated sexual reoffending rate of 23 after 5 years and 34 6 after 10 years A continued The Violence Risk Scale Sexual Offense version or VRS SO is a sexual violence risk assessment tool designed based on the risk need and responsivity principles to assess risk for sexual offense recidivism It is a rating scale with 7 static and 17 dynamic risk factors
The total VRS VRS SO score the sum of static and dynamic predictor ratings indicates the level of violence risk the higher the score the higher the risk The psychometric properties and predictive efficacy of the tools were assessed based on clearly articulated scoring rubrics and accepted psychometric practices The VRS VRS SO is a The VRS SO can be used by evaluators to generate an individual s pre treatment dynamic risk score and treatment change score both of which are combined with either the VRS SO static score or Static 99R to obtain an integrated risk estimate Olver et al 2018 The integrated risk estimate reflects an individual s treatment change in
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Risk predictors rated 1 represent low risk areas and predictors rated 0 are considered areas of strength The VRS total score which is the sum of the static and dynamic predictors ratings indicates the person s overall level of violence risk the higher the score the higher the risk The Violence Risk Scale Sexual Offender version VRS SO is a rating scale designed to assess risk and predict sexual recidivism to measure and link treatment changes to sexual
Logistic regression was used to model 5 and 10 year sexual and violent including sexual recidivism estimates across 6 different regression models employing specific risk and change score VRS SO static dynamic and total scores showed good properties of discrimination for sexual area under the receiver operating curve AUC 68 80 and violent AUC 65 68 recidivism
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The VRS SO is a 24 item assessment derived from the original Violence Risk Scale VRS The VRS SO is designed to assess risk of sexual recidivism in forensic populations The tool is designed to measure change in the level of risk before and after treatment intervention The VRS SO scores are used to inform case conceptualisation and
It is designed to a assess risk of sexual violence b identify targets for sex offender treatment intervention c assess readiness for change and d evaluate changes in risk from treatment or other change agents

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Vrs So Score Sheet - The present study sought to develop updated risk categories and recidivism estimates for the Violence Risk Scale Sexual Offense version VRS SO Wong Olver Nicholaichuk Gordon 2003 2017 a sexual offender risk assessment and treatment planning tool