Western Pleasure Score Sheet NSBA National Snaffle Bit Association purpose is to promote and improve Western Pleasure horses and Hunter Under Saddle horses Membership in horse show rules Pleasure horse stallions pleasure horses for sale and pleasure horse trainers and breeders
Working Ranch Western Riding Trail Reining Hunt Seat Equitation Hunter Under Saddle Advanced Western Horsemanship Advanced Western Pleasure Class Rank 1 Class Rank 2 Ranking Sheet 3 Longe Line Score Sheet Horse Show Hsaa reining score sheet ranch riding patterns ranch riding rules trail score sheet western western pleasure western riding lungeline horsemanship and showmanship at halter hunter hack ranch riding score sheet pattern 1 ranch riding score sheet pattern 2 ranch riding score sheet pattern 3 ranch riding score sheet pattern 4
Western Pleasure Score Sheet
Western Pleasure Score Sheet
Fillable Online Western Riding Level 1 Score Sheet Pattern 9 AQHA Fax
Western Pleasure Columbia Trophy
Western Pleasure One of the most popular AQHA show events is western pleasure Contestants compete simultaneously traveling the perimeter of the arena and at the discretion of the judge are asked to walk jog lope and reverse the direction of the horse Score Sheets Result Sheets Show Patterns Animal Welfare Recognition Hall Of Fame Medal of Esteem Recipients Medal of Excellence Recipients Hall of Fame Forms About Us QH Registration History Mission Statement Corporate AQHA Partners Sponsors Constitution American Quarter Horse 2023 Convention 2021 Australasia Africa Summit 2020 Convention
Sample reasons for each class The student should also take advantage of the worksheets that are provided to practice their judging skills Students are encouraged to learn the parts of the horse the importance of balance soundness and structural correctness of the horse and the terminology used in judging To get the class score please go to https www judgingcard Resources Hormel aspx and type in the official placing above using drop down menu 1243 and then type in 5 1 1 for the cuts Then record the score in the box labeled class score on participant s answer sheet Class 2 Western Pleasure 1st 2 2nd 3 3rd 4 4th 1 Cuts 2 5 3
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Score Sheet LEVEL 1 AMATEUR HUNT SEAT EQUITATION Prelims Prelims Results Finals Working Order Finals Results YOUTH WALK TROT WESTERN PLEASURE Prelims Prelims Results Finals Working Order Finals Results of Qualifiers Judges Horse SireDam Exhibitor Owner Breeder 2024 Working Orders Results West Level 1 Select The western pleasure event should be judged on the degree to which a horse exhibits the following criteria Broke and quiet Responsiveness Mannerisms Light bit contact or reasonably loose reins Soft and smooth Functionally correct Reverses to inside of arena Backs when asked to back Travels at prescribed gait walk jog or lope on
Find all of the AQHA World and Adequan Select World winning run videos champion photos stats and results from 2019 to 2023 Additional Examples of alculating Placing Scores 8 The Need for Oral Reasons 9 Taking Notes for Oral Reasons 9 Organization of Oral Reasons 9 Oral Reasons Style eginning Format 10 Oral Reasons Style Experienced Format 11 Suggestions for Presentation of Reasons 12 Some ommon Errors in Delivery of Reasons 12 Evaluating Reasons 13 Scoring Reasons 13 asing
Western Pleasure QH Mystical Photography Western Pleasure Riding
Western Pleasure Horses Artofit

NSBA National Snaffle Bit Association purpose is to promote and improve Western Pleasure horses and Hunter Under Saddle horses Membership in horse show rules Pleasure horse stallions pleasure horses for sale and pleasure horse trainers and breeders

Working Ranch Western Riding Trail Reining Hunt Seat Equitation Hunter Under Saddle Advanced Western Horsemanship Advanced Western Pleasure Class Rank 1 Class Rank 2 Ranking Sheet 3 Longe Line Score Sheet Horse Show

Horse Show Judges Cards Printable Cards

Western Pleasure QH Mystical Photography Western Pleasure Riding

2021 AQHA Select Western Pleasure YouTube

Chili Cook Off Judging Sheet Printable

Fillable Online Western Riding Score Sheet Pattern 2 AQHA Fax Email

Make A Good First Impression Horse Rider Western Pleasure Horses

Make A Good First Impression Horse Rider Western Pleasure Horses

How To Judge Western Pleasure

Western Pleasure Class Cowgirl Pinterest

What Is Western Pleasure Withers For Warriors Foundation
Western Pleasure Score Sheet - Western Pleasure One of the most popular AQHA show events is western pleasure Contestants compete simultaneously traveling the perimeter of the arena and at the discretion of the judge are asked to walk jog lope and reverse the direction of the horse